
NOV. 26, 1981, 7:13 AM

Hear, o son, for there is nothing wrong with a good, solid teaching on Thanksgiving on this very day. There was no such direct holiday celebration in Biblical times, so My original Scriptures can give you no direct words to ponder and follow. But I have some today.

Thanksgiving is, of course, the celebration of an attitude and a behavior that should be part of the daily nature of all who call themselves servants of Mine. You, for example, have been blessed in many ways. As you recognize and acknowledge that blessedness the natural response is Thanks… Thanks be to God, from Whom all blessings flow. The spiritual feeling of thanks should then translate into desires to give to and to serve others, in the name of the Lord, spoken or unspoken. Oh, there are certain ways you can serve Me directly. Hearing My words, as you do here, is one way. Other meditation and prayer are services, as are worship, hymn singing… and any other act that you do alone which you dedicate to Me.

But of another sort of importance is service to Me by way of your doing for others. Some people obviously need help, some all of the time. Respond to such needs because you feel the blessings you have. Respond to calls for help, but also to needs for which no call is made.

Other humans are certainly one of the major blessings of any person. Even those whose behavior is not commendable or does not seem to benefit you can be blessings. Your sons are all blessings to you, no matter what the behavior of the moment might be. Acknowledge them as blessings, and you may see changes unexpected. If not, the acknowledgment is still right in My eyes.

Many blessings are temporary. Never mourn (or, at least, not overlong) that a blessing has come and gone. Peter was a blessing… a hard one to deal with during his teen years, certainly, but a blessing. Then he was gone. This, too, was a blessing if you acknowledge as you did, that I was somehow involved. The food you eat today shall be one of My temporary blessings. You shall offer thanks, and you all shall eat. It shall be special consecrated food, but, eaten, it is gone. And tomorrow you could hunger again.

NOV. 26, 1981, 7:13 AM

Hear, o son, for there is nothing wrong with a good, solid teaching on Thanksgiving on this very day. There was no such direct holiday celebration in Biblical times, so My original Scriptures can give you no direct words to ponder and follow. But I have some today.

Thanksgiving is, of course, the celebration of an attitude and a behavior that should be part of the daily nature of all who call themselves servants of Mine. You, for example, have been blessed in many ways. As you recognize and acknowledge that blessedness . . .

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