
FRI., NOV. 23, 1984, 5:29 AM

It is right, o son, that there be a holiday at this time of year to be a day of Thanksgiving. Offering thanks can be just a social amenity… or it can represent an emotional feeling of gratitude. But true thanks arises out of spirit, and when that thanks is offered to Me it is the most spiritual of situations.

You offered a most acceptable prayer, though you should have offered special thanks to Lenore, who prepared the feast that you enjoyed. If that prayer had been expanded to a day-long offering, however, let’s think together of what you could have included. Know that all for which you can and should be thankful does not come directly from Me, for I have set a pattern for the earth’s functioning that is beneficial to you, and you are reasonably sensible about and dedicated to positive living, so some blessings come rather naturally.

Nevertheless you believe, fundamentally, that I do guide you and do even manipulate the world in your favor, and are comfortable in saying, “All things come of Thee, O Lord.” I urge you to continue this view of life, for it is basically true, and I’d rather have you overthankful than anemic in your gratitude for life’s blessings. (You were prepared this time. Congratulations!)

You can be thankful for your health – your capacities to function well in a number of settings and to adapt creatively in many more. You can be thankful that your heart functions well at this age, and that your circulatory and respiratory systems have given you no trouble this far. You can be thankful that you still can manage your weight without too much sense of sacrifice. Do not give up the discipline that is necessary for this. That is yours to maintain. Don’t pray for help in managing your food and drink intake.

You can be thankful for this Farm – its beauty and its productive capacity. You have responsibilities to maintain the beauty and increase the production, and with this I shall guide and help. You can be thankful for your family – its largeness and its extensiveness, but also for the small units that you can experience more fully. Be thankful for the small, intimate celebrations as well as for the large, flambuoyant ones. Each has an enriching quality, so don’t be wishing for one when you’re in the midst of the other.

You can be thankful for the pleasantness of the day… the warmth inside and the coolness out… for the wood that this place provides, and the environment in which it can be safely burned.

You can be thankful for your professional position and all of the opportunities that offers. Know that you are where you should be, with opportunities appropriate to your time and your balance in life now. You are not to relax and coast yet. Your profession needs more of what you still have to give, so be thankful that you still have some ideas and some developed talents to offer.

In the midst of this time when marriages do not last and families are unstable, be thankful for the marriage relationship you have, knowing that I have a hand in this, but that I continue to encourage you to show your thankfulness in tangible ways. Don’t take this good relationship for granted.

FRI., NOV. 23, 1984, 5:29 AM

It is right, o son, that there be a holiday at this time of year to be a day of Thanksgiving. Offering thanks can be just a social amenity… or it can represent an emotional feeling of gratitude. But true thanks arises out of spirit, and when that thanks is offered to Me it is the most spiritual of situations.

You offered a most acceptable prayer, though you should have offered special thanks to Lenore, who prepared the feast that you enjoyed. If that prayer had been expanded to a day . . .

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