Thanksgiving, II… After… Still

FRI., NOV. 28, 1997, 7:35 AM

Thanksgiving Day came, was enjoyed, and now is past for yet another year. It was a good day of activity, quiet time, ample holiday food, and a potentially-prophetic movie. Hear, as your friendly Spirit guides you to more appreciation of what you experienced.

There was the “trip” out to the Rendezvous camp, where Thanksgiving was due for two grandsons who have become part of a novel part of American life. It is good to see them interested in the way life was lived several generations back, and to feel their acceptance by this older group who are enamored of the “mountain-man” style of life. You should feel thankful when this next generation of your family… these two in particular… are enjoying life in healthy ways.

Then it is always appropriate to thank Me for quiet time… quiet conversations or times of solitude, in which you can process events of life and thoughts about the life you’re privileged to lead. The packet of letters “returned to you” by Kirin will provide some good remembrances and help you relearn from yourself, and others who have written in years past.

Good food, that you enjoy, is quite a mixed blessing for you now. You were thankful for the turkey and dressing, and the pie, but you realize you are not in your active life here, and to add extra weight is not good for My plan for your life. So you can be thankful for the delicious tastes and textures, but also for some discipline and some perspective on the consequences of eating too much.

The movie you experience was science fiction, avowedly, but in today’s modern world you can assume that there are “experiments” such as this going on in clandestine “laboratories.” Some of these, that could produce mass destruction – of human life and of the livable environment – have gone on for some years, so now there are not only nuclear weapons (small as well as large), but chemical and biological ones that destroy and cause dysfunction in different ways. In Biblical times there were some slaughters reported, but it had to be by more natural means (and you have wondered how thousands of men could be killed when it had to be done man-to-man).

I have told you that I have “worked” to prevent the further use of nuclear weapons. Now I must curb the inclinations to use such means of mass destruction… with the added “enticements” of biological and chemical “tools.” Yes you can be thankful to Me that there have been no major confrontations with such weapons, with results that only I can accurately predict. Your culture’s concern is with “rogue nations” who might utilize these but your culture is clearly willing to be aggressive in getting what you want. So… be thankful that I still don’t want such contamination.

But the other interesting and provocative idea from the “Park” film is that human ingenuity may, in a sense, challenge some of My natural ways of life. This story was of the manipulation of DNA to produce, again, destructive creatures… large, vicious ones… from the time before humans. This upset the balance of life, with “nature” providing the mutations that undid their planned control.

Again, I have controlled such developments, for the good of you humans and of the present web of life. And then I allow some, as lessons, spiritual. When humans feel that they have quite supreme control and that whatever science can devise should be done I feel the need to quietly intervene… and I do. After all, free will is a “gift” from Me, but one I can counter whenever I see it going against My Will.

FRI., NOV. 28, 1997, 7:35 AM

Thanksgiving Day came, was enjoyed, and now is past for yet another year. It was a good day of activity, quiet time, ample holiday food, and a potentially-prophetic movie. Hear, as your friendly Spirit guides you to more appreciation of what you experienced.

There was the “trip” out to the Rendezvous camp, where Thanksgiving was due for two grandsons who have become part of a novel part of American life. It is good to see them interested in the way life was lived several generations back, and . . .

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