That Which Unifies

APRIL 27, 1980, 7:46 PM

You seem serious, o spiritual son, in seeking My synthesis for your presentation in a few weeks. You have been pleased and rewarded with My words thus far, so I see no reason not to offer you some more. This could turn out to be quite a unique presentation!

Because the spirit is that aspect of self attuned most to the world beyond self… to other persons, to nature, and to other spirits… it hears others who are in need or otherwise relating and communicating. Oh, true, the other dimensions, particularly the mind, also hear and are part of communication, but the spirit is the best potential contact with worlds beyond. Remember, again, that the more developed the spirit the more it will “hear” and the greater will be the opportunities for service and for relationship. Let it be known also that the “hearing” is not just in relation to problems. There is much communication, among humans, among spirits, and with nature, that is mutually supportive, positive, and building of greater strength and capacity in each or all.

Let us also go back to an earlier truth taught: that individuals are called to or attracted by and/or “suited for” certain aspects of relationship. Some will do much helping of those in trouble or with problems… those who need restoring to health. Everyone will do some of this… some is essential to developing spiritually. Yet it is true that there are some spiritually akamai folk who will mainly promote the health of spirits already strong and vital. This is your essential task. Be certain that, insofar as it is in your power, you approach this with a sense of positive mission. You should know that this is a positive calling to which you must dedicate yourself. It is not just “better than dealing with sick people”. And you must help your small share of such people.

Hear the Word of the Lord! But you also hear lots of other words… economic, political, psychological, social, emotional, environmental, religious… Is there any unity to these diverse messages? The best is the Word of the Lord. As you hear My Voice or read My words, or hear Me preached, explained, or extolled there can be an attunement with My Spirit that helps to explain and clarify the diverse messages of the land. Note that the communication with the Lord, the Spirit, does not negate all other voices. Rather it gives the best basis for unification, so that some understanding – mental, emotional, and spiritual – can develop.

The spirit is also a means of unifying body parts and functions. When the spirit is strong and developing, the heart and circulatory system work most efficiently, there is the best digestion of food, and protection from competitive invaders. The eyes see, the ears hear, and the body moves in tune. There is a sense of buoyancy, a balance, an incomparable rhythm. On the other hand, when you encounter a person, such as David, with ills galore, many undiagnosable, the trouble is an undeveloped spirit that cannot unify all the enzymes, hormones… myriad cells and substances. Without the unification of spirit, that from the physical body itself, even in concert with the mind, is often inadequate.

Perhaps there shall someday be a time when your classes can be “unified”… at least coordinated… by a sharing of spirits. This is almost happening in your 533 class now. See if you can explore this with them before the semester is over.

I mentioned earlier, communication of spirit with nature. (There was some on that this morning, too). You know there is a spirit to your Farm (that’s why you are now coming to capitalize it when writing about it). The spirit is there, and you can feel and appreciate it. The last couple of times out there, however, you have been bothered by details, by little imperfections. Work to improve these, but don’t deny the spirit in the process. Your spirit can be nourished, and hence this energized spirit can unify the efforts that are made and the whole place will look better… and be better. Part of what displeases you is the result of not letting your spirit be increased by that wondrous place… for you. Work at improvement, but never cease to see the beauty and the promise that also are there. When your spiritual involvement diminishes, the very nature of a place can change. Such is the power of spirit.

Tomorrow morning there shall another “installment”. Then it shall be time to compose from the material given. Seek just a bit more. Be of good courage.

8:43 PM