The Aging Process

WED., OCT. 1, 1997, 11:51 AM

This process called aging is increasing in your life, just about right on schedule. You received another confirmation this morning that your hearing loss really needs to be countered by a small electronic device… even two. The diagram that developed from your tests shows that your losses are about as you experience them. You didn’t succumb to the sales pitch, but this could urge you to utilize the aids you now have more frequently.

Your teeth seem to be no worse than at the last inspection. You do hope they’ll last out your bodily life. You hope your new glasses will improve your close vision, for you’ve gotten used to this aid to better seeing. You have some aches, but no real pains. Your movements are not as quick and wide-ranging as in younger years. The general prognosis: deterioration will continue and your abilities to function will lessen, hopefully gradually.

It is good that you don’t have aspirations for the long life that your Dad and Mabel have, and that your Mother had. Living somewhat over the average for males is a desirable goal, and you should do this without too much further loss.

The aging process is a natural part of earth life. You pulled up marigold plants that had aged, as expected, and would produce no more blooms. Easter is a long-lived horse, but his sight and hearing are minimal, he runs no more, and his sway back condition increases. Your house is aging, more and more obviously. Aging is not completely predictable, but it can be expected, in some losses.

Yet I want to tell you, yet again, that there should be no diminishing of your spirit; it actually should become stronger and more dominant. You hear Me say this, and then you observe Mabel, and it seems as though her spirit is not as obvious as it was a few years ago… and certainly not as powerful as it was during her active ministering time. Yet she is basically gentle and cooperative, both spirit characteristics. You saw your Mother in a condition that seemed spiritless, in a positive sense, and your Dad appeared to be close to that this past summer. Death can be a blessing.

It shall be important for you to establish a new, and different, balance in your life, now that you are officially retired. ( 12:21 / 1:32 ). Your know basically what I want for you, but also be assured that I shall guide you. It will take a while for the best rhythm and balance to come to be, so be patient but also experimental. This process of aging is rarely pain-free, in a holistic sense, but work toward judging situations and circumstances with your spirit, in its relationship with Me.

You have been vicariously experiencing the aging process, and you’re right in discerning that aging can be a fine time in life, with spirit becoming more and more the dominant dimension of your health. BUT ALSO you see that the body can live on beyond the mind’s proper functioning… and the spirit may wander, waiting for release. Yes, the spirit will not leave permanently while the body still lives, but it may absent itself for a time, as a respite from the person whose balance is awry.

The most important feeling about life, as the aging process continues, is joy. You have a long life to look back on, with good memories, and some future to contemplate, with more enjoyment than apprehension. And there is the present, with few responsibilities and time frames, with each day full of opportunities for fun… the mystical dance.

WED., OCT. 1, 1997, 11:51 AM

This process called aging is increasing in your life, just about right on schedule. You received another confirmation this morning that your hearing loss really needs to be countered by a small electronic device… even two. The diagram that developed from your tests shows that your losses are about as you experience them. You didn’t succumb to the sales pitch, but this could urge you to utilize the aids you now have more frequently.

Your teeth seem to be no worse than at the last inspection. You do hope they . . .

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