The Bible

July 5, 1979, 7:42 AM

This morning you saw an immediate flash, o son, of The Bible.  You heard it, you saw the words, and you saw the Bible.  You responded immediately, showing you are becoming more and more attuned to My Teachings.  It is true that this is a more obvious theme for My teaching than Scour, but I am pleased with your response.

The Bible is My book.  Yes, it is true that there would be some value in its being “loose-leaf” so that the best of encounters with Me could be recorded throughout this long… and yet still rather short… history.  And I could guide some of My servants to do this well.  But it would also bring chaos, uncertainty, and strife.  (There is enough of that involved in the translations that abound.)

The Bible contains all that you need to know about the living of life.  You have some doubts about this, but it is TRUE.  You must translate, you must adapt, you must extrapolate, but the joys and sorrows of Christians have an amazing similarity throughout this era of Ours.

The Bible teaches that I have many moods and postures.  I destroy and I forgive.  I love, and I hate.  I am the Main Actor in history.  You Christians are to be as I was in Jesus the Christ.  You are to be gentle, loving, forgiving.  You are not to be judgmental of those who fall short.  But you may be critical of those who codify Me and set down My requirements and administer them.

It is My privilege and pleasure to lead individual Christians (millions of them) in variations of My way.  The Church is My body, made up of these many and diverse parts.  Paul was right… there cannot be too many eyes, or hands, or feet.  The balance – the rhythm – is what is important.  The Church becomes the unique unity of My creations and My leadings.  It’s strength and its unity comes through a continuous sharing of experiences and insights, one with another.  And The Bible is the base and the catalyst for that sharing.  I assure you: the faith would not be as strong if The Bible were always changing, even “for the better”.  It needs this foundation from which to grow.  The Scriptures have many uses.  Many of these are undiscovered or rarely used.  Even you are rather unimaginative when using My Scriptures.  Consider this possibility.  Apply the imagination and creativity you show in your work to this book.  This you may do next month as an alternative to these daily writings.  I want you not to cease these completely, for I still have much to give to you, but now that you are experienced and comfortable in this Relationship I am assured that you will use it as I wish (and as you wish), but that you will utilize other means as well – particularly The Holy Bible.

See that the passages have My given power to do more than mere writings can.  Know also that there are times for different scriptures.  Worry not that some passages seem to lose their “steam”.  Just look for the new ones, perhaps passed over before, which will guide and give insights.  To be this useful over time and with many parts of the Body, The Bible must be a living, moving creation.  The Living Bible is a fine title… not to supercede The Holy Bible, but evidencing a new and important truth.

Some portions must be learned.  You know this and have done so.  But there are more portions of which you should have a more exact recall.  This is for the future, also.

Know ye this: The Bible is the only necessary basis for faith and life.  (Now, you wouldn’t have written that, would you?)  With this as your premise, move ahead with this direction and command for your growth.  Come to use it naturally as a reference… among others, but showing that it has authenticity, power, and relevance for your times

Ponder this message.  Now was the time.  Be Me this day… and I shall be pleased.


8:25 AM