The Bible Times… And Now

FRI., JAN. 29, 1988, 6:30 AM

Superficial knowledge is all you have of the times called Biblical. You are not an avid student of the Holy Scriptures nor of the history of those times. You know that the years represented in the Bible story (from Abraham on) is somewhat over 2,000 years, and that it has been nearly 2,000 years since My time as Jesus. You are apprehensive about such a Teaching, but you write on in faith. Good for you, o son.

Bible times were simple times, in many ways, as compared with the present. My “official” entry into earth life was at Pentecost, and simple it was. I came forth through certain Disciples, and those other people who were close heard how I made the Gospel message intelligible for all to hear. But there were no microphones, no audio-or videotaping for the edification of those not present or for verification of the reports that circulated.

For transportation there were wheels, there were animals, and there was walking. There was little comfort in travel except for the few who were rich. The world of Bible times was thus small… from Egypt around to Rome and a certain small distance inland from the sea. The earth was not seen as a sphere, but as something with ends and corners. Now it is possible to fly from one side of this moving orb to another in a rather short time. Satellites circle the earth in hours, sending back information that can be of value for human life. Conversely, missiles stand ready to be fired that can fly from one side of the earth to another and could obliterate life and make the planet virtually uninhabitable by My human creation. Combat with spears, slings, and other hand weapons was certainly primitive by modern missile standards, but these are not a development of which I am proud.

Yet in Bible times the sun appeared to rise even as you observe it this morning. The explanation of how this happened was not a clear and accurate one, but it was expected, as one of God’s blessings. Humans progressed toward understanding of this planet that I have blessed, particularly, but then knowledge was limited pretty much to a small geographic region.

The economic system was quite simple as compared to the monster world system of this day. Oh, there was some specialization, but people and simple machines did the work and made what was made. Money changed hands for goods and service. There were rich and poor, and most in between, with mostly sufficient food, shelter of some sort, and a few possessions. You do not live ostentatiously, but even this room contains luxuries beyond imagination for most in Bible times. But, yes, what you have is beyond what many in the earth today have. There is greater wealth and prosperity in certain countries, and “Bible times” in others. The earth and its ways change… and yet they don’t.

7:21 / 8:11

The Bible story tells of people with whom I worked directly. I changed situations, did some miracles, and also directly punished when My people were not faithful. I came as Jesus… I taught… I lived… and I gave My life that grace might abound. Now, the continued Bible story is complex and bizarre. Christians are of many temperaments, and wildly differing worship styles have developed. As I have told you, if I should return, as Jesus, a return satisfying one group of Christians would turn others away.

I fought against the principles and practices of the Pharisees, even though they meant to serve Me, as God, well. Yet Phariseeism and the Circumcision Party remain in spirit. When I created diversity (still the best model for creation, I affirm) I reaped diversity, but, you see, this is a fine environment for spiritual growth, and this is what I want most from each of you.

FRI., JAN. 29, 1988, 6:30 AM

Superficial knowledge is all you have of the times called Biblical. You are not an avid student of the Holy Scriptures nor of the history of those times. You know that the years represented in the Bible story (from Abraham on) is somewhat over 2,000 years, and that it has been nearly 2,000 years since My time as Jesus. You are apprehensive about such a Teaching, but you write on in faith. Good for you, o son.

Bible times were simple times, in many ways, as compared with the . . .

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