The “Big C”

SAT., AUG. 7, 1999, 5:40 AM

The diagnosis of this week was no great surprise, for you had suspected that your body was “allowing” the growth of cancer cells. In spite of what you have been doing in prevention – the herbals – these lethal cells seem to be growing, the probable cause of death for this body. Naturally I have some thoughts and some advice for you, o son, so hear as I come to you.

First, of course, is the reminder that life is fundamentally spirit, and bodily death is merely a movement to another realm. (You’ve done it before. You can do it again, quite easily.) In the view of your secular culture there is no “good time” to make this transition, and you’ll have to decide about alternative medical approaches to keeping your body alive. I have no objection to some attempts to prolong this earth life, but I do warn you that it is not wise, from My perspective, to try too hard to survive longer, at any cost. For the effects of some of these treatments tend to shift you from “living life fully” to “surviving”.

Remember My “example”, as Jesus. I lived a much shorter earth life than you have, even thus far. I accomplished much, and I didn’t try to survive longer, “at any cost.” I am still “alive and well”… and My body, physical, would certainly have been dead by this time. In memory, My life continues… and in ultimate reality I am active in this realm and in many others. You have had a longer earth life than I had, and your “experience” in dying will be longer than Mine was. Live this coming portion quite fully, thoughtfully, and with perspective. Count on Me to help.

Cancer, the “Big C”, is a condition I am allowing, in the earth, at this time. As you know, cancer cells are your own cells, but they have no positive function… except to cause what may seem to be premature death. ( 6:22 / 6:24 ) For, as I have told you often and in many ways, each earth life must come to an end… in order that the whole web of life might be sustained and maintained. Now that Teaching is coming to apply to you. Can you accept that this earth life shall not be of “above-average length”?

Cancer can be painful as it develops, but you can deal with pain rather well… and you are in a culture that can provide much effective pain relief. It will be a test of your spirit, living with this kind of pain. In general, you shall do well with this challenge, and your spirit will grow as a result of this challenge. My vast experience tells me that pain can be quite a positive spiritual experience. I, as Jesus, should… and do… know this.

Just know that it can be a blessing to die quickly and without preparation, as both Peter and Michael did. But know also that it can be a blessing for one to anticipate death and therefore live the final years in a perceptive, appreciative way. This shall be your opportunity.

Would this earth realm be “better” if there were no cancer? Of course!… and… of course, not. Before there was recognizable cancer there were microorganisms (quite a diverse lot) that ended lives in some awful ways. Now these are rather well-controlled, but cancer is a kind of “replacement”, encouraged, even caused, by aspects of the technology that “conquered” the germs.

You may decide to experience radiation as a means of controlling the growth of these “rogue cells” of yours. If this is of benefit, you should appreciate the irony that this “force” is both a curative one and a potentially supremely destructive one, by way of the many armed warheads throughout the earth. If any of these exploded, there would be much sudden death… and then much more cancer.

SAT., AUG. 7, 1999, 5:40 AM

The diagnosis of this week was no great surprise, for you had suspected that your body was “allowing” the growth of cancer cells. In spite of what you have been doing in prevention – the herbals – these lethal cells seem to be growing, the probable cause of death for this body. Naturally I have some thoughts and some advice for you, o son, so hear as I come to you.

First, of course, is the reminder that life is fundamentally spirit, and bodily death is merely a movement to another realm. (You . . .

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