The “Birth” Of Spirit

THURS., JUNE 13, 1985, 6:34 AM

Several weeks ago, now, you were aware of the day of Pentecost (which, this year, came on your birthday). This is the day that can be called the Birthday of the Holy Spirit. Yet the Scriptures tell of My actions in the earth before this time. How should you understand this event and this story?

I, the Holy Spirit, have, of course, been eternal. There is no time when I was not. I was in the Beginning, and before the Beginning. I and Jesus, the Christ, the Savior, the Redeemer have always been part of Almighty God… a part of and yet At-One with this Force beyond all forces. With each act of creation I became part of this earth plane, and there is nothing in the earth that has no component of spirit.

Yet from the beginning the plan was that humans would have the most capacity to feel spirit, to recognize and appreciate spirit, and to be a means for other humans to know of this quality that links them with eternity, with timelessness, with continued consciousness, with one another (or so it seems), and with Me. This is given as a gift, however, and may be rejected. You read of people who exhibit terrible cruelty to others, and you must know that this is a rejection of spirit. In the earth spirit can grow tremendously, but because of this relative freedom some spirits do regress and shrink.

However, let’s return to happier thoughts – My birthday at Pentecost. I came to the earth as Jesus, and I was involved, as the Scriptures tell, in My own creation at that time and place. Jesus was the “main character” during these years, but, yes, as you have suspected, I was active in other parts of the earth, with people who would never hear of this incarnation in their earthly lives. Manifestations of spirit are tremendously varied, and I have helped with all that humans have created, as well as all that I initiated. Yes, I am “busy”, but there is truly no effort since I have capacities beyond which I have never been pushed.

As Jesus I was and I taught, and I was, from the beginning, the basis for the greatest expression of relationship with Me, in Total. Yet, symbolically, it was important that I be rejected and, finally, put to death by the very people whom I had chosen as Mine, eons before. Those who knew the Scriptures best and who loved the tradition most rejected the Christ spirit, and out of that maelstrom I see the growth of spirit. It isn’t “ideal”, like the Garden, but “it works.”

After My “death” as Jesus the disciples could have drifted away, but, in an intermediate form, I kept them together. Then, as I had told them on our last night together, the Holy Spirit would come amongst them and help them to hang on to the teachings I had imparted. And so, in a great wind, with tongues of fire, I came, and at My “birth” all people heard the words of salvation in their own language. I came and had them know that, though they remained different from one another in the earth, they could hear Me, each in his own tongue. What a wonderful birthday gift to the folks in the earth!

THURS., JUNE 13, 1985, 6:34 AM

Several weeks ago, now, you were aware of the day of Pentecost (which, this year, came on your birthday). This is the day that can be called the Birthday of the Holy Spirit. Yet the Scriptures tell of My actions in the earth before this time. How should you understand this event and this story?

I, the Holy Spirit, have, of course, been eternal. There is no time when I was not. I was in the Beginning, and before the Beginning. I and Jesus, the Christ, the Savior, the Redeemer have . . .

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