The Blessedness Of Life

MON., NOV. 23, 1992, 2:00 PM

On a dreary, cold day in a study messier than yours at home you come to Me, drawn but not compelled. I want you to choose to come, willingly, but it is equal truth that I cannot leave all that I want to accomplish to the wills and uninfluenced motivations of humans. I obviously know how to do this “just right,” so when some individuals refuse to serve Me, it indicates that I am not yet in real need of them. If I do need, My Will shall be done.

Life itself is a blessing. Life, fundamentally, is spirit, and spirit originally came forth from Me, the Holy Spirit. That certainly entitles each life to be called blessed. There is a special blessing in earth life, even for those who seem to have little of what makes this life enjoyable, satisfying, and worthwhile. Each soul that enters a human body, before or just after birth, comes in with a blessing. I want each of you to do well, even as the odds for doing so can range from small to large.

Even as I say I want this, My style is to intercede and interfere very infrequently. I do not enjoy seeing poverty, cruelty, abuses, disharmony, and despair, but I know, from eons of experience, that there is potential value in the whole range of life experiences, no matter what it seems, in human judgment. And always remember that your judgments always are biased by your culture and your personal life experiences. There is no way you can judge like unto the judgments of those in other cultures or with other life experiences. Some, with much less than you have, feel more strongly than you do that life is blessed.

The home in which you grew up was not affluent but was not poor, either. It was blessed, and you and your family responded enough to keep the blessing effective. You see, if you don’t respond positively to My blessing, with some allegiance, worship, study, and service to Me, your Church, or others, the effect of the blessing fades, and you become more “on your own.” You remained faithful to Me, even as your more vivid recollections from the days of your childhood and youth were of other, less spiritual experiences.

You were concerned for others, and you lived a clean, rather honest life. You didn’t do much that you would have to atone for later. As you were responding to My blessing, so I was helping, largely uninvited, in your life. Your successes in athletics, in academic life, in the military, and in social groups came partly because of My blessings. I called you to the Presbyterian church, and you came and soon were ordained. I called you to the blessing of a born-again experience, in that rather unlikely church. Again you responded. I was with you as you enjoyed a happy marriage but also suffered, you and Lenore, through some hard years of sons’ teenage.

I then decided… and I say again, partly just in My spirit of fun… to call you to this special blessing of Teachings directly from Me. I had guided you to be a teacher for your career, to have good experiences at Punahou and Stanford, and then to move to this Midwest site, the best for you. You had done well in all aspects of your career, and so I blessed you again with this challenge – hear Me, write what you hear, and share these with some others. Your… Our Ruminations is a priority with you now, and these regular Letters do bless a number of people, some of whom you know and hear from and some still unknown.

The true blessedness of life, then, is in first accepting My blessing, consciously or unconsciously, and then showing this acceptance through service and commitment. Then, as life continues, you become a blessing to others, in some variety of ways. My blessing thus is multiplied by your life and actions, in the lives of others… just as you received, in earlier years.

MON., NOV. 23, 1992, 2:00 PM

On a dreary, cold day in a study messier than yours at home you come to Me, drawn but not compelled. I want you to choose to come, willingly, but it is equal truth that I cannot leave all that I want to accomplish to the wills and uninfluenced motivations of humans. I obviously know how to do this “just right,” so when some individuals refuse to serve Me, it indicates that I am not yet in real need of them. If I do need, My Will shall . . .

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