The Body Heals Itself

WED., OCT. 23, 1985, 5:34 AM

The human body is designed to function in a healthy way. This means that it is designed to heal itself, and most healing does take place in this way, without complicated assistance. Yet you know that there is, and always has been, disease and disability, so why is the healing capacity I designed (yes, it is My design) so faulty? Hear, o son, as I offer some insights on healing.

Healing is necessary because of external factors – microorganisms and other threatening parts of the environment – and those internal, the imperfections that are part of each incarnated body. Why should there be imperfections in a creation of Mine? Because of the process and, My old favorite, for spiritual growth.

Let’s consider the process first. I do not create each body individually and personally. The process involves the chance uniting of two germ cells, each of which is functional but not perfect. The combination begins to form a body, but the combination is not always ideal. Some imperfections do not appear because of the combination, but others do… because of it. Then the growth of this organism takes place in the body of an imperfect female, whose style of living, by choice, by circumstance, or both, may be more or less imperfect. So capacities develop with more or less completeness in this environment.

From primitive times there have been healers, some of whom I have raised up as a means of service to others. In your culture the developed capacities to help the body in its healing processes are now great… and shall be greater. Yet there is no perfection in medicine. What “works” in one instance may not be effective in another. The profession of medicine is an important one, but mainly as a spiritually motivated service. I tolerate those who “do good” for other motives. They are part of the process, and it is not perfect… except in the sense that it is part of My creation, indirectly, of course.

Remember that a fundamental premise that I have given you repeatedly is… life is continuous, with life incarnated in the earth as just one type of life experience. You must deal with conflicting evidence: biological history seems to say that in the “early days” of humans in the earth life was shorter, while the Bible suggests that lives went on for hundreds of years. I experimented with both. The average length of life now is about right, with wide variations for different reasons.

The capacity to heal is part of each human, but, again, the variation is great. The combination of high healing capacity, a healthy lifestyle, and a health-allowing environment gives the longest, best physical life. Other combinations offer less life and more suffering. A few combinations make life impossible.

Spiritual growth comes with imperfection. As a person must struggle with a condition of ill health that does not heal he has the opportunity to grow in spirit. My servant Paul prayed fervently for healing, so that he could be a more perfect ambassador for the Christ. I denied his requests, and he developed more humility. Success in healing would have increased his pride, even arrogance, and he needed more humility.

WED., OCT. 23, 1985, 5:34 AM

The human body is designed to function in a healthy way. This means that it is designed to heal itself, and most healing does take place in this way, without complicated assistance. Yet you know that there is, and always has been, disease and disability, so why is the healing capacity I designed (yes, it is My design) so faulty? Hear, o son, as I offer some insights on healing.

Healing is necessary because of external factors – microorganisms and other threatening parts of the environment – and those internal, the imperfections that . . .

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