The Breath Of Life

THURS., MAR. 22, 1990, 6:31 AM

Breathing is essential to life. Most of your breathing is done unconsciously and without volition. It is life sustaining itself. But as you began this meditation you breathed some deeply and were aware of this life sustaining process. You know that this is fundamental to many forms of meditation, for it symbolizes an awareness of what is truly vital to life.

For I, the Holy Spirit, am the spiritual analog to your breathing. I come to sustain, to refresh, and to energize your spirit, which is your eternal essence. I am the Breath of eternal life. Yet, like breathing, My presence with you is mostly unrecognized and unacknowledged. You are no more aware of Me than you are of normal breathing. When you are in respiratory distress or in a condition of exertion you become aware of your breathing. Likewise when you experience some trauma or are put to some test you assume I am there, and you call on Me… for help or for thanks, or both. You see the similarity.

Breathing is both regular and labored or irregular. I am with you regularly and constantly, and also in times of stress, crisis, and irregularity. In such situations I may be of more help, though I generally stop short of miracles and “taking over.” Your life is still yours to live, but I am as fundamental to it as your breathing.

In these times of Teaching I become part of your conscious life. Your mind can shut Me off (as you just did) or you can open your consciousness to Me and let My thoughts flow through your fingers. This is a special capacity I offered to you…as if someone offered to train you physically so that your respiratory system became more efficient, making you capable of more physical feats. You accepted the offer, and now you hear Me often enough to truly affect your life, positively.

Yet know that I am also affecting you at other times. You no longer can discern what are your thoughts alone, and which are encouraged by Me. And you needn’t try to discern. Just accept that your openness to Me in these meditation times allows Me to affect and influence you in many other situations. I am your breath of spiritual life. I sustain you.

You have just demonstrated to yourself that you can stop breathing. You didn’t prolong this “holding of your breath,” but you know you could have held out longer. Then you would have become more and more aware of breathing, because of the increasing need to exhale, and inhale the fresh air. You can stay away from this direct relationship with Me, and when you do you tend to blunt the effects of My influence at other times also. It’s like unto holding your breath. You have stopped the flow in, and you won’t release the waste that is within you. “Being away” becomes increasingly uncomfortable, and you become conscious of this “holding.” Then you sit down with Me, and it is like exhaling the stale and inhaling the fresh. It is exhilarating when you hear Me clearly, and your pen moves as fast as you can write.

Yesterday it was I who urged you to modify your class so there could be some interaction, an exchange of information, feelings…and spirit. Be ever ready to respond to ways in which I urge you. And still be aware that I am not managing your life. I did not manipulate so that you received this current honor. But I have been with you so that what you have done and said over years has come to be recognized as good. So you can still thank Me, even as it was not some miraculous manipulation on My part.

In good educational style I reiterate: I am the breath of spiritual life. I come as quiet air. I come as a gentle breeze. I come as gusts of wind, as you see affecting the trees outside, even now. And I come as a mighty, roaring wind, even to destroy, so that rebuilding can take place.

THURS., MAR. 22, 1990, 6:31 AM

Breathing is essential to life. Most of your breathing is done unconsciously and without volition. It is life sustaining itself. But as you began this meditation you breathed some deeply and were aware of this life sustaining process. You know that this is fundamental to many forms of meditation, for it symbolizes an awareness of what is truly vital to life.

For I, the Holy Spirit, am the spiritual analog to your breathing. I come to sustain, to refresh, and to energize your spirit, which is your eternal essence. I am . . .

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