The Burning Bush

SAT., JAN. 5, 1985, 7:34 AM

This is an ironic title on a cold, white morning when your heat supply is really inadequate. Oh for a burning bush that would give off marvelous heat and yet not be consumed! See what you can do in this cold room as I send you thoughts, even words, that shall be of a warming nature. Watch the bush burn, o son.

The Scriptural reference to a burning bush did involve Moses, and it was a dramatic invitation by Me, as Almighty God, to this ordinary man to become a special servant of Mine. Moses’ story was remembered and became part of Scripture, but I tell you that there have been many other dramatic invitations… and many more much less notable… to become a servant of Mine… even a coworker with Me. Your burning bush was a lost manuscript, which was “found” as you pledged and committed yourself to Me in this early morning meditation. Your manuscript is long published, but the bush still burns brightly.

Yes, o son, the bush that burns and is not consumed in the burning symbolizes the fact that My energy is constant and ever-renewed. You are now into your sixth year of writing, and new titles and themes continue to be offered to you. There is repetition and reinforcement to be sure that you learn and relearn certain fundamentals, but there is no end to the encouragement I have for you as a servant of Mine. You are doing reasonably well in bringing the spiritual dimension into reality for your health education field, but you still have much more to do. I shall continue to supply you with these basic thoughts; your bush shall certainly continue to flame without diminution.

The burning bush and your Teachings do share a common difficulty. Rationally these are not expected happenings, and they are not in the experience of most others. Therefore many people, when they hear of such “unnatural happenings” will not expand their sense of reality and, instead, diminish their perception of your credibility. Can you imagine the reaction of most people when Moses told of seeing a bush that burned without being consumed and hearing God calling him personally to a major leadership position! The story is reasonable now because Moses’ earth life is long past, and his leadership was memorable and fundamental. Such success deserves a miraculous beginning. Your acceptance is quite good, given your performance. Fortunately there are still a good many folks, even in your rational/scientific culture, who can accept, or tolerate, a few miraculous, non explainable happenings.

(Go for now. Return and finish this later. 8:29 AM)
9:27 AM
The burning bush was (and is) a marvelous, unlikely occurrence. It gets attention. And that is its major purpose. Then comes the task, and My servant Moses found the one I had for him a terribly frustrating one, at times, even as it was very satisfying at others. Remember that when I call you, it is not for purple robes, goblets of wine, and heavenly leisure but for some task, great to small, that you might not have volunteered for, if free will were truly free.

So, am I still burning bushes? Yes, indeed. I am as actively involved in the world today as when I confronted Moses. Oh, there is a greater variety of dangers to physical life, but there also are more creatures (particularly human) abounding now… and you are in a culture that is good at both creating and identifying problems. Therefore it is harder for you to hold to the simple truth that the life of the spirit is the only one that continues, so a few more years of human earth life may be of no ultimate significance.

SAT., JAN. 5, 1985, 7:34 AM

This is an ironic title on a cold, white morning when your heat supply is really inadequate. Oh for a burning bush that would give off marvelous heat and yet not be consumed! See what you can do in this cold room as I send you thoughts, even words, that shall be of a warming nature. Watch the bush burn, o son.

The Scriptural reference to a burning bush did involve Moses, and it was a dramatic invitation by Me, as Almighty God, to this ordinary man to become a special . . .

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