The Busyness Of Life

SUN., OCT. 18, 1992, 5:43 AM

You awoke early but expected a bit more sleep. But then came thoughts of responsibilities that lie ahead, as well as opportunities. You went to sleep last night considering the tasks Lenore has, this day and this week. Here you are, in young old age, with more to do than is really comfortable. You both are busy. What do I say to you about busyness?

Naturally you know I can’t knock busyness wholeheartedly, for I am busy beyond imagination in this earth of Ours. I am outside of time and not limited in space, so I can do, what for you would be, simultaneously tasks that would seem incredibly excessive. And yet part of this is just quietly being with you, and countless others, guiding your thoughts and helping you see better ways than you would see with your own mind and spirit.

Busyness is good, as long as it is part of a balance. Obviously you must rest and sleep for times in each day, but this, too, can be excessive. In your culture reading can be a good use of time… and watching television too. Just heed My admonition to note when either of these becomes excessive. You could use your travel time in better ways, pondering what you have read and what you shall say in some situation in the day’s course.

As I look at your life and your responsibilities I can’t be too critical. Actually you resist doing the writing that I encourage, in order that you might not be overtaxed. Though I do not criticize this I don’t take back My charge to you to accomplish in these ways when other tasks subside. You haven’t overdone your work here on the Farm, and it still looks reasonably good. This should be a day to do some of that “clean-up” work, enjoying the coolness and color of the season.

What you do in service to your church is just about right and pleasing to Me. The responsibilities with the Session are reasonable, and I generally like your Newsletter. Be cautious of new opportunities, and yet if they really are such…!? I also generally approve of the ways you approach your teaching, both at the church and at the university. You don’t see a great separation between these, for in both settings it is fundamentally an exercise of spirit. Continue to take the necessary time for each class… whatever it takes to challenge learners to consider new ideas and examine their feelings, their behaviors, and their “state of being.” Yes, sometimes this does require more of you than you anticipated, but you know this is your calling, your ministry… not just your job.

Lenore’s life is busy, too, and this week shall be excessive. She uses her talents well, but she can “overbook” herself, just as you can. Your working together yesterday was good, both for the task completed, and the joy of doing it together. Now it is your turn to initiate some task that you two can work on “as one.” Most of Lenore’s activity is quite worthwhile, but even that which is good can become oppressive. She must be cautious, too.

SUN., OCT. 18, 1992, 5:43 AM

You awoke early but expected a bit more sleep. But then came thoughts of responsibilities that lie ahead, as well as opportunities. You went to sleep last night considering the tasks Lenore has, this day and this week. Here you are, in young old age, with more to do than is really comfortable. You both are busy. What do I say to you about busyness?

Naturally you know I can’t knock busyness wholeheartedly, for I am busy beyond imagination in this earth of Ours. I am outside of time and . . .

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