The Buzz, Buzz Of Life

TUES., OCT. 4, 1994, 6:50 AM

Our Ruminations has been completed, in the writing, but you are disappointed that it will not be printed and ready to take along as you buzz to a convention tomorrow. Give it another reading for any minor improvements, but you are basically satisfied with the balance of you and Me, and I am, too. I hate to say this, but the lateness of this 3rd quarter Letter will affect the next one, if you’re not prepared. So, when this one is on its way consult Me and Our many pages for the next theme. And, in addition, I do want you to do a family letter this year, perhaps even before Christmas. Do you want to hear about what else I want you to write?

There is a buzz, buzz to your life as you accomplish and then find a new list just as long. Conventions can be exciting and a wonderful change of pace, but you also feel the pressure that arises as you try to fit these in with all else for which you are responsible. You have gotten My direction, however… which is that your main focus should be on conversations with those you relate to best, the readers and potential readers of Our Letter. Of course this shall be pressureful too, for you’ll have to meet, arrange times, and make choices. But at least know what I want your priority to be.

Your mail conversation with Jane continues, as she shares with you some of her feelings, with more of them seeming to be positive. You should get one more note off to her before you leave, in response to her gifts received yesterday. She is giving of herself and expressing love and gratitude, and you must respond to this improvement in her being. You cannot be her “healer,” but you are helping. Know that this giving, of yours, is within My economy, meaning that you both shall benefit. When you give spiritually, even in a buzz, buzz time, you grow in beneficial ways. Know this. It is one of My best principles.

At times like this you wonder whether retirement would be a better way. Then you consider your satisfying classes, your comfortable office, and the active relationship with your colleagues, and you know you’re not ready to give this buzz in your life up. You’ve simplified somewhat, and you can continue when ways are obvious, but, for now, the benefits of life as it is far outweigh retirement. You know this, but you also need My reinforcement of it. You do hear Me, don’t you?

It would have been fun to join your old Quartet buddies as they plan to meet at Roger’s this month. Will it ever happen again, you wonder? It is a part of life past that you have enjoyed reviving and renewing, but, you’re right, it would add a troublesome buzz to your life in this month. I don’t urge you to add this to what is already planned.

This Ruminations does set the stage for you to seek spiritual life stories from some that you will meet this week. Some will come easily and expectedly. Others will surprise you. As you would take notes in a professional session, take some notes on the spiritual stories you hear. You know you have heard some good ones that you’ve forgotten. Yes, consider this an assignment. Finish later.

( 7:34 A / 9:34 P )

TUES., OCT. 4, 1994, 6:50 AM

Our Ruminations has been completed, in the writing, but you are disappointed that it will not be printed and ready to take along as you buzz to a convention tomorrow. Give it another reading for any minor improvements, but you are basically satisfied with the balance of you and Me, and I am, too. I hate to say this, but the lateness of this 3rd quarter Letter will affect the next one, if you’re not prepared. So, when this one is on its way consult Me and Our many pages . . .

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