The Christmas Spirit

DEC. 25, 1980, 5:19 AM

It did not seem right that this Advent season would accomplish itself and Christmas would come without some teaching to illuminate the experiences. So I roused you and urged you, and here you are ere the official festivities begin there amongst you. Consider several aspects of the Christmas spirit.

The Communion service last evening was an important contribution to Christmas spirit. True, it does originate in the other end of My life as Jesus, but beginnings and endings have a curious way of being much related. You had a sumptuous meal before the service, one that reflected plenty, even opulence. The table was overflowing with food of all sorts, more than anyone could eat. Few tables here in the earth, yesterday or today, could match or surpass it. Then… “after supper He took bread and broke it… took the cup and filled it”. The meal is small and simple, but you must see it in harmony with the other one. The nourishment from turkey, stuffing, and olives is quickly evident, but then needs replenishing. The nourishment from My Body and Blood is eternal.

You need never feed again… but you will because it is satisfying. You come, not because you have to, but because you desire the spiritual food which penetrates in this unique way. The service was not outwardly dramatic and/nor obviously charismatic. But it was a vital part of the rhythm that constitutes the Christmas spirit this year.

Gift-giving is, obviously, a kind of sharing and thus can be a part of the spirit of Christmas. Assess, several times this morning, to what extent it is a spiritual experience, and to what extent a material/social one. Does a gift come from the spirit of the giver? Does it touch the spirit of the one who receives? Only the giver and receiver can truly know this, but go ahead and judge a bit, just for fun. What is the appearance? And focus not upon the ones that are blatantly material but rather upon those that have spiritual potential.

It is almost custom with you affluent Christians now to comment, with mild, mock disdain on the magnitude of your spending for gifts. Just know that there is a limit to Christmases of this nature. I commend you for thinking simple, but you do so without real conviction. You must develop toward giving that is truly of self and that touches the other clearly, but is of minimal drain on resources or on monies needed for more important service. Use the imagination that comes from your inner self. And know that this is a superior way, not just a cheap alternative to gift buying.

I want a Christmas letter, commenced soon. I realize it will have to be worked in amongst other responsibilities and opportunities… and it need not be as long as the last one, but I want you to present the spirit of Christmas, 1980 to friends and family in epistle style.

I have urged you for some time now toward another issue of Ruminations, and I renew that today. That began as a Christmas gift… one of your best… and it now could be even better, with the source material you have in abundance. Consider… why are you not accomplishing this?

I liked seeing Matthew contributing to this Christmas celebration as he did. It would have been more characteristic for him to just slide through as a taker. He took the initiative. This showed a development of spirit. Do not forget this. Compliment him on it. Recognize other efforts of his along this path.

This Christmas is truly a family experience, with all ages and stages represented. The trip has not gone in an ideal fashion, but this helps make it memorable. Focus upon the positive – – you are here amid the family, and the family celebrates My birth as Jesus. There is something special about Christmas and about family interactions. You are privileged to have these together this year. Feel the spirit of Christmas and the spirit of family… as they intertwine. Be especially attuned, but participate fully. You are an important portion. Be not just a philosophical observer. You can only feel the spirit fully when you are in the midst of the action.

The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of Christ – – the Christ who is wholly other and who intercedes for you… and the Christ who is within, entwined with your spirit. Enjoy it this day.

6:20 AM