The Church

MON., DEC. 4, 1989, 6:58 AM

Last week I told you I would give you some thoughts that you might share with Chris relating to association with the Church. This I shall do, but it shall be of value for you, as well… and for some others. As you know by now, rarely is one of these Teaching valuable only to you or to just one other person.

In the most common theology of Christians the Church is the Body of Christ. As Jesus of Nazareth I, Almighty God, came into a body and lived as a human for some years… not a long life, but one with many human experiences. (Only a few of these are described in the Gospels. Believe John’s conclusion.) I then willingly went to My death, though the circumstances had to be those of persecution. I was not meeting the criteria as Messiah, and therefore I had to be eliminated. Both are true: I was crucified. I willingly gave My life for the sins of the world… then and for all time.

Then I raised up Paul to carry the Christ message to the Gentiles and to establish the Church. As Jesus I had been a mighty spirit in a human body, that could be killed. As the Church I was to become an institution with a mighty spirit. The body is imperfect, subject to corruption and death. Yet the Gospel stories tell that My body, because of My spirit, did not deteriorate. It became a spiritual body, and then ascended, and you Christians await its return.

Like a human body, the Church has many parts. Many work together. Some work against each other. It is the spirit that unifies, coordinates, and facilitates. Without spirit the body has many functional problems, not easy to diagnose and treat. If the Church loses its spirit it, too, becomes dysfunctional.

Church, with a capital C, refers to the whole Christian Church, with all of its branches and denominations. It is meant to be One only in a mystical sense. To be universal and appealing to many it must have many forms and doctrines. But also Church can refer to any local congregation, with boards, factions, interpretations, and differences, but still mystically whole.

It is good to be part of a Church. I continue to recommend this for you. I want you to be a useful part of the functioning of your Church and not just an attender. Still… I could tell you to withdraw from the Church and be spiritual in other ways. There are many ways to worship, to pray, to acknowledge Me. It would not be folly to leave the Church, but it would be folly to cease spiritual practices.

Chris has been part of this Presbyterian Church for most of her life. In a new place she has not a church that can be her Church. She should still be aware of possibilities, but she need not continue to seek. She must develop and continue some other spiritual practices, including some that bring her and EZ more together. It is not necessary to be in a church just to be in a church. Church is to help in the development of spirit. Yet spirit can be developed in other ways, too.

The maintenance of her membership in this Church would be a nice symbolic act. It should not be seen in a negative, weak light: doing it to please others or to prevent others feeling hurt or angry. The motivation should be strong and positive: to maintain both a real and a mystical bond with this Church that has nurtured her in some ways, and accepted her in others. It is a part of her life from which she has moved on, but it need not be left behind completely. But… continuation of symbolic relationship should be for positive reasons.

This is what I tell you. Obviously you can share it with Chris. Yet it is not a command to her. She must do what feels right for her spirit. Is it important to maintain some relationship with Church? Is it a time to keep or a time to lose? Her spirit shall be the final “decision-maker.”

The Church can be merciful, and it can be judgmental. It can be giving, and it can be selfish. Continue to be a part of the Church, contributing to its life, but also be not limited by its traditions, interpretations, and doctrines. Any body is dying and being reborn simultaneously. Ponder this as the Church is part of your life, and you a part of its life.

7:58 AM