The Church Court

JUNE 10, 1980, 6:09 AM

You would have Me comment, o son, on the sermon that your son and My servant, Michael, presented and that you listened to, on tape, last night. The focus was on the functioning court in the church. Yes, read the I Corinthians passage first.

This does present the idea of having a church court, although it doesn’t really present a desired structure or a mode of operation. Still, the idea is sound that Christians should settle differences in a court that calls upon Me to be the arbiter and decision-maker. I have established the Church as My Body, remaining here in the earth. Therefore, it does have the inherent power to help individuals in decisions and even the power to enforce among those in the Body.

You have not yet been a member of such a church, and you wonder what you would do, should you be under such exercised authority. You suppose that My Will is discernible by all who believe and know Me. You also assume that if you heard My will for your life that the elders of the Church would hear the same commission from the same Spirit. And yet your worry is about those times when the judgments would not be the same. It doesn’t happen often, but it is sad when it does… and the reasons for such disagreement are several.

But don’t focus on the negative. Consider the positive value. If members of the Body are truly in Me, and I am in them, and My blessing has been placed upon that Body then I do speak to those whom I raise up as Elders. Your experience in the selection of Elders in your church does not give you confidence in their judgment capacities, particularly in relation to matters spiritual.

All right, consider this. It has become known that you have this writing meditation, and you are attesting, albeit softly and gently, that the source of these writings is none other than the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty (see… I have written it again!). Some would have you teach a course based on these meditations (as Diane already has done). But some, let’s say, are bothered by this affirmation… they don’t like this kind of thing going on in “their” church. Finally, the Elders must decide. If you felt the responsibility to affirm that this is truly what is happening… and certainly could not deny it if the issue were raised… then the court would be in session.

You feel that in such a situation I would bolster you and speak through you and that the Elders would accept this as a manifestation in their midst. But what about the “heresy” of reincarnation? What about the teaching you read last night – Here in the Earth… Another Try? You then envision such a case in the court of the EOC, and you wonder where I would be. Would those “raised up” elders hear My voice as you hear it, clear and strong? Or would they be “limited” by their base in Scripture? Is this always strength?

Remember My reminder of the Jews and Scripture. I came into the earth as the fulfillment of certain Scriptures, but the Pharisees, who knew the Scriptures best, rejected this reality. Yes, this is a strange rhythm that I exhibit. You think of the EOC… and of the Mormons and the Seventh Day Adventists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses… and then of Unitarians. Where is My truth? If it is still with the Jews is it yet in the Catholics? Is it also in the Reformed? in ever new groups who call Me Lord and seek My Face and everpresent Help? What would the Church court decide?

Remember… he that is not against Me is for Me… and he that is not for Me is against Me. Is that a way to “run” a world… or a Church? Yes, it is. Your question could only be answered in a regular (real) situation. Perhaps I shall put you in such a one so you could get the answer. Await that opportunity.

Your expression of feeling after the meeting last night was a true one. My relationship with you has “spoiled” you in terms of the real appreciation of some other descriptions of reality. Stay with them a bit longer, however, and be a contributor. The other insights won’t harm.

Court is adjourned. Amen
7:12 AM