The Church, Yet Again

TUES., JAN. 30, 1990, 6:52 AM

From time to time I must offer you insights on the Church, and also the church. The Church is My Body, the mystical continuation of Myself as Jesus the Christ here in the earth. The church is that small part of the body with which you are affiliated or that you are visiting or associated with in some way. The Church is made up of churches, just as a body is made up of all cells, organs, and systems. And each church is made up of families, individuals, and groups, official and unofficial, who also compare to cells, organs, and systems.

Churches are organized in a variety of ways, from hierarchal to democratic to chaotic anarchy. The type of organization is of no consequence to Me. Different people have different needs and preferences. All systems of organization work imperfectly. This is one reason I, as Jesus, did not offer any teachings or sermons on how My body should be organized. Paul’s initial attempts to organize house churches were in a communal pattern, which was good… but also appropriate for a somewhat persecuted beginning. The hierarchy that developed in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches met certain needs, but is surely not a model for all. Likewise, the representative democratic organization of your church has merits, but cannot be universal.

Churches are led by clergy persons, and again the ways in which these “arise” are many, with none favored. Some must pledge and live a celibate life, some must complete work in a graduate seminary, and some must arise, with an anointing from out of the congregation, with variations galore. For centuries clergy had to be male only. Gradually women are being accepted as clergy in some churches, even as this will be denied in others… for some hold strong to traditions, even those that are counter to present culture.

Motivations are many and varied for becoming a clergy person, with a common thread of wanting to serve God and Christ in some rather direct ways. Each clergy person has strengths and weaknesses. Some have what they feel is a mission… a desire to accomplish in certain ways in a church and with a congregation. In some instances this mission is inspired and energized by Me directly. In others I simply help. And in yet others the “mission” is a personal, selfish motivation, which I may allow for a time but of which I do not approve.

Personalities also differ, and it is difficult for a clergy person to like all members of the congregation and be liked by all. Expectations for clergy behavior are generally so numerous and diverse that no individual, however close to sainthood, can meet them all. But… remember… struggles of this kind are always potential means for spiritual growth, for the pastor and for those whose expectations are not met.

There is merit in staying in a congregation when there is friction with the pastor. There also is merit in seeking another congregation where there appears to be more compatibility. I do not recommend one to the exclusion of the other. For I do see that as an individual, a couple, or a family leave one church and their leaving is resisted and mourned, they become part of another and are welcomed and appreciated. I see value in being constant AND in flexibility and movement. Neither is a superior virtue.

A physical body often displays conflicts within itself. A cough, discomfort, pain, loss of function… these all tell of conflict within, with attempts at reconciliation. Some bodies have little conflict. Others have conflicts almost constantly. And so it is with those parts of My Body called churches. Just as I occasionally offer My powers of healing to a particular person’s body, so do I occasionally bring divine resolution to the conflicts in a church. But generally, though I am fully aware, I let natural forces work, with opportunities for spiritual growth… or loss… abounding.

TUES., JAN. 30, 1990, 6:52 AM

From time to time I must offer you insights on the Church, and also the church. The Church is My Body, the mystical continuation of Myself as Jesus the Christ here in the earth. The church is that small part of the body with which you are affiliated or that you are visiting or associated with in some way. The Church is made up of churches, just as a body is made up of all cells, organs, and systems. And each church is made up of families, individuals, and groups, official . . .

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