The Church’s One Foundation

SAT., AUG. 6, 1994, 6:47 AM

One thought that you voiced in relation to the focus of an adult forum… the one you’ll be leading… was selected hymns of the Church. Let’s give that a try this cool summer morning with one of your favorites.

“The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ Her Lord…” The Christian church, in its many forms, including Presbyterian, does have as a foundation that I came to the earth as a man, into the Jewish culture, 2000 years ago. I preached, I taught, and I healed, and 4 Gospels were written about My life as a minister. But there were other teachers, even other healers. My unique contribution was My earth life… I gave it up for you and for all humankind. It was a mystical sacrifice, for I was crucified… executed as a criminal… but I also gave My life willingly. I had the power to overcome death, however, and I did. I returned to the earth for a time and then ascended to the Father.

So while I, as Jesus, certainly am a Foundation for the Church, that Foundation is also Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer, the Ultimate Father, and I, the Holy Spirit. I, as God, am Three in One, not just Jesus. Yet the Church is conceived as My Body, the Body of Christ, that continues in the earth in this mystical form.

“She is His new creation, by water and the Word.” The Church is referred to by the feminine pronouns “Her” and “She.” As Jesus I was obviously male, so for the proper balance of the sexes that are necessary for procreation, the Church is female. With male and female there can be progeny… the Church can help bring forth new Christians, but only because there is the Father Christ.

This says that I, as Jesus, created the Church as a new Body by the water of baptism and the Word of Scripture. The symbolic act of becoming a Christian is baptism with water, in the Church, with the congregation participating. That’s the beginning. After that comes growth as a Christian, through hearing, reading, and really knowing the Word. In another mystical affirmation I, as Jesus, Am the Word, but the Holy Scriptures are also the Word… both/and.

“From heaven He came and sought Her, to be His Holy Bride. With His own blood He bought Her and for Her Life He died.” ( 7:19 / 8:13 ) Jesus, of course, was “from the beginning.” His Spirit came into bodily form as the precursor to the Body that would be the Church. This was a new and unique “venture” of God. I had come through prophets and specially chosen servants, but this time I came as one who was God as well as man. My body grew and functioned well, but I knew that there should be a sacrifice, of blood even, to enable the best transformation. I gave My Life that the Church might have that continuing, eternal life.

SAT., AUG. 6, 1994, 6:47 AM

One thought that you voiced in relation to the focus of an adult forum… the one you’ll be leading… was selected hymns of the Church. Let’s give that a try this cool summer morning with one of your favorites.

“The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ Her Lord…” The Christian church, in its many forms, including Presbyterian, does have as a foundation that I came to the earth as a man, into the Jewish culture, 2000 years ago. I preached, I taught, and I healed, and 4 Gospels . . .

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