The Clan And The Valley II

FRI., AUG. 26, 1983, 5:56 AM

You come, answering your call and Mine, for another lesson from these stories of primitive times. You have faith, o son, that I can continue to offer you insights from this source. Your faith is not ill-placed. Let Us continue.

One of the emotional experiences of the combined stories that you felt, almost as Ayla did, came from the prejudice that Jondalar and many “others” felt against the Clan people. It was assumed that they were really animals and did not have the emotions and the spiritual experiences that “true humans” do. Ayla knew, and you did, too, as you read the stories, that this was not true… that there was much evidence of spirit in Clan life.

This human tendency continues to this day, often expressed by one religious group concerning another. Even true servants of Mine, motivated often by strong feeling for Me, denigrate other groups whose worship and relation to Me is different. I am not denying the value in helping others see a better way to me, but when it is done in ignorance of the others and with little charity for their ways it is misplaced devotion.

You feel the honest dilemma of knowing the Christian way and knowing the Scripture “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me”… and yet also feeling that some who seem to reject your Lord do have relationship with me in other ways.

The “others” were superior, in many ways, to the Clan. And yet their spiritual beliefs and practices were primitive when compared with modern Christianity. Is the Christianity of this day the culmination? Am I completely revealed? Are there no more spiritual truths to gain and incorporate into life? My more complete revealing is not tied in any real way to material progress, then or now. Now this. The culture that is more modern, more “advanced” is not necessarily more spiritually sophisticated.

But beware of the opposite also… the more simple is not necessarily more spiritual. I simply affirm that there is no predictable relationship. It really is not a matter of “who is better” but one of “who loves, who shows mercy, who gives of themselves to others (even to those not like them), and who yearns for more relationship with Me, even as they utilize what they have.”

When Ayla was sent out on her own she was “dead” in the sense of relationship with other supporting people. She retained the faith and the knowledge that she had of Me (in the primitive way of the Clan), but she had no one from whom to learn more. (Or was I there?) She did what one of developing spirit should do… practiced what she knew and found animals, certainly more primitive than she, to love and relate to. There was exhibition of spirit in taking the chances in raising and trying to relate to animals different than she. Yet as she provided for them, sacrificed for them, even they responded with loyalty and obedience, simple evidences of love.

FRI., AUG. 26, 1983, 5:56 AM

You come, answering your call and Mine, for another lesson from these stories of primitive times. You have faith, o son, that I can continue to offer you insights from this source. Your faith is not ill-placed. Let Us continue.

One of the emotional experiences of the combined stories that you felt, almost as Ayla did, came from the prejudice that Jondalar and many “others” felt against the Clan people. It was assumed that they were really animals and did not have the emotions and the spiritual experiences that “true . . .

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