The Class And The Reading

AUG. 3, 1981, 6:06 AM

Since you are here, o son, as the rain gently falls and the light of early morning silhouettes the trees through your study window, let Me comment on the events of yesterday, particularly the class and the reading.

First, however, there was the preparation for church, with its unexpected frustrations. You were aware of this as a spiritual experience, in potential, but you weren’t yet able to profit from it. You are making progress, however. Awareness and appreciation are the key concepts.

The worship service and communion came next. The sermon text was one of the good ones from the Scriptures… for, yes, there are some texts that are more suitable for sermons, and this is one of the most apt. Duane’s introduction to the Communion had a flair to it that I truly liked. It was surprising, but so is the Supper. It should be introduced in some unique, soul-stirring manner.

The Communion Service itself had a spirit, but not a very vibrant one. It touched your spirit, but then it dragged, and you weren’t ready for that. It was a celebration, but not outstanding, by My standards.

The class was satisfying and yet frustrating. It was clear evidence of the capacity of these teachings to touch spirits and to provoke important human-spiritual interaction. The frustration was in the time being short, and in certain people dominating, while others said little or nothing. If the group continues you will have to exert some leadership to modify this. Of course, if the group gets any bigger it will be more difficult still. “Success” in terms of numbers could reduce the effectiveness of the interaction… but would be bringing selected teachings to the attention of more souls. Winning and losing are everlastingly mixed.

The other frustration, of course, is what to do about the official status of the class. The challenge is rather clear – do you downplay My active role and the somewhat unorthodox teachings in order to gain approval or do you present it as I have given it to you and risk being disapproved? What would bring the least divisiveness… or is divisiveness inevitable? My suggestion would be to write a statement of request to the committee from the class members, requesting this class led by you and based on these morning meditations. It will be all right for you to write this up, with some guidance from Me. This will not guarantee its approval, for you know that I bring souls together, and I also can be quite a divisive force. Thus, I am never really disappointed, for My will can be expressed in either outcome.

The reading in relation to a former life was interesting. If it results in any spiritual growth, then I would count it as time and money well spent. Go over the tape carefully and make notes… and then write an analysis from the spiritual perspective. Then you can see whether it was worthwhile.

AUG. 3, 1981, 6:06 AM

Since you are here, o son, as the rain gently falls and the light of early morning silhouettes the trees through your study window, let Me comment on the events of yesterday, particularly the class and the reading.

First, however, there was the preparation for church, with its unexpected frustrations. You were aware of this as a spiritual experience, in potential, but you weren’t yet able to profit from it. You are making progress, however. Awareness and appreciation are the key concepts.

The worship service and communion came next. The sermon . . .

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