The Commandment To Love

SAT., SEPT. 5, 1987, 6:44 AM

Christianity is a religion and a tradition, with commandments. A commandment is an admonition that leads to some action or behavior… something you should or should not do. And the commandment is to be followed if you are to be a favored member of the Christian family. (6:55)

The first commandment, the most important, is that you must love Me and your neighbors, which finally gets down to everyone. How fair is it to command that My people love. Can love be “commanded”? Does a religion have to be “fair”? The questions and some answers should be the basis for a good Teaching, shouldn’t they?

This commandment is the “great” one because it should be the result of keeping the others or the fundamental motive for keeping them. That is, if you find it difficult to love others and Me you can still honor your father and mother, keep the Sabbath, not steal… lead a “good, Christian life.” And lo, from such behavior can come a capacity to love. Living as if love were your basis can be a generator of love. But it still takes spiritual development to do this… from which spiritual growth comes forth.

When a person has developed spiritually, love is the result. Love is the evidence, to others and to self that spirit is strong and getting stronger. The earth and that is therein is seen as that which you love. Oh, there still may be people and actions and circumstances that you dislike, but love tends to overwhelm these… to make them seem quite unimportant. As you know that I have loved you and blessed you in the position and circumstances of your life you tend to feel love in return. Love is, finally, the best means for getting others to shift to behaviors and ways that are more loveable.

So, fundamental to the capacity to love is some sense of My presence and influence in the earth. This may be quite orthodox and religious. It also may be quite unorthodox, mystical… even vague. It may be consciously known and spoken forth frequently and with conviction. It can be almost entirely unconscious and almost never verbalized. Great is the range, but true love comes forth from some sense of relationship with Me.

Love is the major motive for being born into the earth… for taking a human form. Oh, a few come in with too little love, and a few are truly new souls with no base, only capacity to love. And these are important for development in others… in the majority. So there is much potential love in the human population, and most have some basis for experiencing love, in both the giving and the receiving.

Those who come into the earth with considerable spiritual development know that life is to be loved, and thus the commandment is just a statement of reality. It is not “breakable” if you are true to yourself, your spirit, and your unconscious grasp of the true nature of the earth. All matter is finally energy. Love is the most powerful form of energy, and it permeates all other forms. You only need to recognize this. And when you do, you then know why you love and can then love even more.

SAT., SEPT. 5, 1987, 6:44 AM

Christianity is a religion and a tradition, with commandments. A commandment is an admonition that leads to some action or behavior… something you should or should not do. And the commandment is to be followed if you are to be a favored member of the Christian family. (6:55)

The first commandment, the most important, is that you must love Me and your neighbors, which finally gets down to everyone. How fair is it to command that My people love. Can love be “commanded”? Does a religion have to be “fair . . .

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