The Conglomerate That Is Health Care

MON., OCT. 11, 1982, 5:38 AM

You are part of an almost bizarre field of human endeavor, and as you have been trying to center yourself and be available for this morning’s teaching your mind has dwelt on some of that which makes for this title. So, rather than try harder to rid your mind of those images I shall use some of them and comment upon some of the many ways health is maintained and regained. Hear, o son, as I tell you of this concern of Mine.

The human body is a complex piece of creation. Even the body itself is a poor subject for scientific study, because as it is being studied it is changing, and one change initiates another… endlessly. What is studied and reported no longer is when the report is written and read. The functioning of one is not just like the functioning of another, and there seems to be close to 5 billion of you now incarnate here in the earth.

Let’s consider, specifically, the session that Russ offered, having to do with touch and the complexity that is the muscular system of the body. He is involved in an ancient art/area of study that includes manipulation of muscles, working with channels of force, and culminating in the spiritual laying on of hands. As Jesus, I touched people, and they were healed of afflictions that all the panoply of today’s modern medicine could not affect as did My touch. Variations of this are still available, and some of My servants, as well as some who serve other masters and deny My sovereignty, have powers to change the energy that constitutes a disease or an affliction. There are medications that change the chemistry of the body, and such changes may restore health… or may worsen it.

Your role and task is to educate some of your fellow humans about the maintenance of health, as well as the ways of restoration. This is quite a responsibility, for that which constitutes health care is truly a conglomerate that never can be truly known or accurately assessed. Suffice it to say here that there is much that goes beyond scientific medicine that is beneficial, and you must continue to teach this. Medicine is basically an art, and so is health education. It is an art, with a considerable spiritual dimension, meaning that effective communication and motivation come, in large part, from spirit-to-spirit contacts.

I shall digress just a bit and note that this spirit-to-spirit interaction is what is occurring in your Sunday morning class. My presence is part of it, of course, and these teaching shave an obvious capacity to affect spirits. Your leadership is a small but important part. The rest comes from the rather unique nature of the group which assembles each week, never the same in actual composition, but similar in willingness to exchange energies and contribute to the health of one another. So actually this isn’t a digression, really, but just a reminder that this class is a part of the healthcare of you and those involved. Sometime, when you use this as the basis for a class, they shall become more aware of this truth.

These meditations are, for you, a part of health care. Your garden and your animals are a part. Whatever you do that demonstrates your health, your capacity to function, in turn is a means of maintaining and improving that health. The talk that you and Lenore had last night, even centered on an aspect of ill-health, as a demonstration of health and a means to a better state. Health is maintained and improved as it is “used”.

MON., OCT. 11, 1982, 5:38 AM

You are part of an almost bizarre field of human endeavor, and as you have been trying to center yourself and be available for this morning’s teaching your mind has dwelt on some of that which makes for this title. So, rather than try harder to rid your mind of those images I shall use some of them and comment upon some of the many ways health is maintained and regained. Hear, o son, as I tell you of this concern of Mine.

The human body is a complex piece . . .

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