The Continuum And The Spirit


You have come both dutifully and happily, o son, to hear My voice in the morning hour… in a new place and in a new position. But you find Me here, ready to stimulate your thoughts and your spirit. You introduced your favorite continuum concept yesterday, and then you pondered responses last evening, but you have not really seen that as a factor in spiritual health. You shall, after this morning.

What you are doing now is way to the left… not completely, because you are using pen and paper… but it is essentially you and I. Of course, given the concept of “one’s own resources”, what We do is a movement away from the left, for you are seeking guidance from another. Still, I come through you. I dwell within your mind and spirit and come forth from you, which is a nudge back to the left again.

You see what also fits in this left orientation: I have told you that I wish not to dominate you or take you over, but to make you stronger and more able, in all ways. Thus, I am increasing your own personal resources in a rather simple way. Prayer and meditation are the spiritual practices of the left end.

Moving to the right, there are individual encounters, unarranged… and then arranged, like your talks with Chris. Here this is a sharing of experiences and a widening and deepening of your perceptions of how I affect the lives of different people. As you share some of these teachings you move to the right. As books enter in, the movement is again slightly right. Then the group enlarges… Lenore participates… or you’re at the Tuesday noon group (Yes, I shall tell you which this week). Other books, other experiences all give rightward movement. Yet there is still no structure.

See the next progression? The Cayce Study Group was small, but structured. The Romans class is larger, but structured around that one fine letter by My servant, Paul. Spiritual growth and expression can come, but the stimuli are wider ranged, and the distraction of more spirits and, potentially, of structure are present.

As you move into congregational worship and the sermon you are clearly on the right side of the continuum. You are part of a larger group of believers (yet still quite diverse), and your own resources are put aside for the experience. To participate in this in a meaningful way you should pay close attention and hear what I say through Duane. Then faithfully read and underline the written text. Finally, you shall ponder and surely know that there is a rhythm to the continuum, which you should stress today. Rigid positioning in one place is not spiritually healthy… for you or anyone.

You thought (?) of the larger congregation at Menlo Park and of the taped sermons of My servant Walt. Good idea… arrange to get one a month and listen to these carefully.

Television and radio ministries are to the far right, technologically, but a formal Episcopal or Catholic service is far right, liturgically. All of these have merit and can help increase spiritual health, but consider where you are.

You are about 2.7, and this is a good place for you. You regularly have these times of personal “conversation” with Me… but you have come to share them with Lenore. Good… these are meant for her, too, and she is at a place of appreciation and understanding. Still you participate in the church… without official, leadership responsibility. Know, incidentally, that I purpose for you to write this Newsletter. This should be your contribution… as unique as possible.

Do not seek structured study or groups to influence you. Do these only as part of a rhythm, set by you and by Me. You shall not be a “hermit”, but you belong, basically, on the left side.

This teaching is not really meant for the class today. But you may use any that seem right. Consider, later, what students you should share this with. Complete this day with joy. I love your spirit. Show it forth.

6:07 AM