The Contrasts In Earth Life

FRI., MAR. 2, 2001, 12:40 PM

Yesterday was a cool, cloudy winter day. Today the sun shines, and the room is warm. It is a time, certainly, to get out and clean up this place… make it more the way you want it to be. But it also is a time to walk on your heels as little as possible… a time to be quiet and give your skin the best chance to heal. More importantly, from one perspective, it is time to get your checkbook somewhat “like” the bank statement and get your bills paid. From another “look” you have more money in the bank than is usual… and you should get this financial facet of your life up-to-date.

You are caught in the “contrast” between the responsibilities of life that are yours to continue to honor and the “privilege” of just relaxing and enjoying the sunshine in another day, ever closer to the Spring season.

Because you were conscientious and “worked hard” right up until your retirement you still feel the contrast between those often fully-filled days (and even evenings) and these, in which you feel little pressure to accomplish much, if anything. Also there are no continuing responsibilities at your church, and it has been many years since you have been in such a “free” condition, in relation to this institution of Mine.

You and Lenore still have this “home church” or “congregation,” and I don’t call on you to give this up, but I will say again that you are now freer than you have been in years to visit the other churches and congregations that “attract” you, enjoying the friendships that have a base in love of and allegiance to Me. You enjoyed the vicarious experience at the Crystal Cathedral last Sunday, and My servant, Robert, has messages that can be good for you spirit. That IS another option!

From time to time you have thoughts about where you have lived and how life has been in these different settings. You muse, occasionally, about a final time of life in Hawaii, for you have enjoyed living there. But ultimately you come back to this contrasting “place to live” and are satisfied with what you have on this place. (You do have some concerns about keeping it as you want it to be, if and when you aren’t able to do this yourself. And these are real concerns.)

You are more than satisfied with your life as a teacher-coach and then professor. It afforded you much pleasure and satisfaction, with a bare minimum of pains and regrets. You did what you loved to do, you did it well, and you ended up in an ideal situation for you. You note the contrasts between your life, as you’ve lived it, and some of those (the positive ones) that you see in television programs. Many of the situations are interesting and exciting, but they leave you glad (when you do appreciate the contrasts) that you weren’t a physician or a law enforcement officer, or a lawyer… Just continue to be more than satisfied with the profession, the geographical settings and the family that were yours to influence and “be part of.”

Your conclusion (of course, and as it should be) is that you’ve had a wonderful life, with just enough contrasts to keep it interesting. You have had a fine, ideal marriage, with you both being happy with each other. (Oh, there still may be some “struggles,” but nothing to endanger the happiness you both have had.) From time to time you look back at John Patrick’s life, and you are “joyfully amazed” at how it has turned out… and that he and his family are a continuing part of your life. His teenage and early adult years were in quite contrast to yours, but he has come forth as quite a wonderful son, husband, brother, father (with grandfather coming up!) and concerned citizen/positive contributor.

Wonder… from time to time… how the lives of the many people you knew in your early life came out. In this culture it is easy to “lose track” of people… and how their lives have been. You have kept “somewhat” in touch with some from your youth, but have mostly been content to let such early friendships just “die away.” It would be good if you would respond to some of the cards and notes you’ve received. It is “easy” not to, but at least consider this suggestion of Mine.

FRI., MAR. 2, 2001, 12:40 PM

Yesterday was a cool, cloudy winter day. Today the sun shines, and the room is warm. It is a time, certainly, to get out and clean up this place… make it more the way you want it to be. But it also is a time to walk on your heels as little as possible… a time to be quiet and give your skin the best chance to heal. More importantly, from one perspective, it is time to get your checkbook somewhat “like” the bank statement and get your bills paid . . .

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