The Crisis Confronted
March 29, 1980, 6:28 AM
The crisis came, o son, and you met it with some fore-knowledge. It was a serious change in your life, and you confronted it rather openly. You aren’t quite ready to make a Christian witness and predict the future directions of your more important writings. Yet you did think of this later… good. This shall come… in its time.
Your mind races wildly this morning. You want to hear My words, and yet you don’t. Stick it out. I shall come through in spite of your inattention. You know you are supposed to be here this morning, so remain and listen. Yes, do reread yesterday’s meditation again.
There. Now you have more clearly what I taught you at dawn yesterday. I was involved, and you were aware of the rhythm that was being enacted. True, it was a social, economic, and professional failure, and, as you observed, you have had few of these. This is an experience you needed. Don’t overrationalize it. Think on it honestly. Yet let it not dim the confidence in your other abilities.
Rightly, your mind focused almost immediately on what you could do instead. Some of your thoughts were worthy. But there was not enough focus, yet, on the possibilities for the work I have in mind. You are not quite ready for that, but it shall not be long. Begin to consider it as possibility.
You wondered… and wonder still… about My role in this whole affair. Yes, I did encourage you into it. And yes, I am involved in this premature closure. That’s all you need to know. It was not a mistake. It was as I wanted it throughout. Trust Me. Don’t seek to know all My ways. This is a learning experience that you needed. You can learn from every experience of life. You shall learn some things from this that you could not have learned through your successes.
You have plenty to do, now, but be aware, in the near future, of opportunities that shall present themselves that you could not have considered with this other responsibility. Life goes on. Your rhythm shall be one of mostly success.
Let’s evaluate your enlightenment in relation to yesterday’s definition. You were better than you would have been without that immediate teaching, but you were not yet close to experiencing the conversation all the way through as a manifestation of Me. You can’t really do that yet. It seems unreal. But as you progress toward enlightenment… and you are so doing… you shall experience a change in the reality of reality. Then you shall see and experience what now you can only imagine and intellectualize… My presence in the events of life. But this shall put you at variance with many of your students and colleagues, and it is not the time for this yet. So do not seek enlightenment. It is not something to attain by effort and by trying. Just be aware of its nature and appreciate its development as it comes in its own rhythm.
Now that this is past, know that you are in a time of refocusing. It is not a hurried time. Feel no great rush to set new goals. Use the next several months to “clean up” that to which you are already committed. But also be looking for the signs to new challenges. For they shall surely present themselves.
You have struggled this morning. You knew there as an important teaching that I must needs bring to you. You persisted, but your “tune-in” was poor. But you know about these times, and can accept this now with good equanimity. They no longer shake your faith in these meditations. This is important. Just know that the conditions will be varied under which you learn from Me. This is as it should be.
Continue to share portions of these writings with those whom I send to you… or who otherwise seem ready for such an experience.
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof… and they that dwell therein. I am in charge. Remember this and tell it often.
Hallelujah and Amen
7:50 AM