The Day Before…

WED., DEC. 6, 1989, 6:17 AM

This is the day before your last classes for this term… this year and this decade. That shall come and go without being especially memorable, except as I mentioned it. Some years ago… much of your life (and, yes, you figured it as 48 years)… this was the day before a war of consequence in your life.

You were in high school as the attack came that would draw your country into war as an active participant. The attack was on an island that you would later call home… that was to be part of your life’s destiny. There was no attack on your then-home state, so the fighting rages in faraway places as you finished high school, with no great remembrances of war as hardship.

It was not your destiny to be an active warrior, even as you had some of the motivations for such. Instead you continued as a student, under the direction of the Navy, presumably to be of later help to the war effort. That took you to UCLA and into friendships that led to your sailing to Hawaii for your first job and to meet Lenore.

Let Me explain the relationship between free will and destiny, at least for you. All humans have, as an aspect of their creation, this capacity called free will. Some feel it and exercise it more than others. It must be continually curbed in order to live in any group, from a family to a nation. Destiny, on the other hand, is a tendency to make some choices rather than others. Why? You are aware of eternal life as I have told you of it, in general. This means that part of your destiny as Bob Russell was determined by your spirit that is in the midst of development… was not “brand new.” You helped set your various destinies.

But in your “case” I was also directly involved. For reasons of My own I also guided your destiny, and together We got you to Hawaii and to Punahou School. You were destined to have a short coaching career, with enough success to make it fulfilling. You were destined to blossom as a classroom teacher and not as an administrator. You were destined to meet, to court, to win, and to marry Lenore and live with her these many years. Oh, there were many decisions that had to be made, and many of these were “free”, but still… guided. You could have chosen otherwise… but you didn’t

Thus, out of this war that commenced on a tomorrow many years ago developed the destiny that you have lived out rather well. Out of this marriage came sons, and one was named Peter… a good name… the rock. Peter’s life was the most troubled of your sons. He had a destiny but it was hard to realize out of the life that he had established by free will. And thus, this is the day before the crash that took his earth life rather instantly. This was not his destiny. It was an accident, with some measure of poor use of his will. He was not destined to die, but he did. Thus his destiny shall be worked out in other ways.

There can be a destiny for an earth life, but this is only part of a more complete and complex destiny. But, no, all persons in the earth do not have a destiny as I have described for you. A few persons have mighty destinies, that bring them influence and power. Many have no clear destiny other than what they develop during an earth life.

Hear an imperfect analogy. Each Fall a new group of freshman students enters your university. A few of these have clear goals, matched with their abilities, and they learn with purpose, graduate, and become what they had intended, exactly. Others come with goals, but change them. Others develop some purposes as they take courses. Some graduate without ever determining to what this education will lead. And, finally, many, unfortunately, drop out before graduation ever is near, never having developed a purpose from the experience. So it is with destiny in life.

WED., DEC. 6, 1989, 6:17 AM

This is the day before your last classes for this term… this year and this decade. That shall come and go without being especially memorable, except as I mentioned it. Some years ago… much of your life (and, yes, you figured it as 48 years)… this was the day before a war of consequence in your life.

You were in high school as the attack came that would draw your country into war as an active participant. The attack was on an island that you would later call home… that was . . .

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