The Dimension That Unifies

APRIL 28, 1980, 5:59 AM

You have come, o son, for that last of several sessions on this theme, your presentation at Duluth. I know you will find much to use. I shall help with the organization, but that will be essentially yours. I have given you insights and information, but you shall decide how and what will be presented. At some later point I may just give you a speech, ready made, but not today.

You hear the song, “The world needs a tune it can hum… needs a leader for the band.” This is done best by the spirit. The spirit is the tune you, as an individual, hum. When it is developed, it is the leader. But also know that it can develop negatively as well as positively. (Not “as well as”, because positive development… in tune with Me… is the natural way of progress. But negative development can take place.) This earth certainly has its difficulties with those whose spirits unify their actions, but away from Me and My Purposes. Of course, I look upon this more as a challenge than as something “to solve”.

I need to comment on the effect of spirit upon the emotions. When the spirit is positively well developed it is natural that the more positive emotions are felt and expressed much more often. Love much more than hate… joy much more than anger… desire to share much more than greed… Still the spirit is the unifying dimension, and life is still a rhythm which can have its discordant times. There may be a good reason for anger, but anger guided by your spirit, in tune with My Spirit, can be almost productive. It is simply a more positive quality of anger. Its effect on the body, and its effects on others is qualitatively different than anger unguided and undirected by spirit.

So, also, those with undeveloped spirits can feel the emotion of love, but it has no deep root. The emotion of love can be felt by every person, but those with strong spirits feel love that lasts, that survives crises, that permeates a relationship, “a love that will not let me go.” The difference is that a fundamental aspect of the spirit is love, for the fundamental nature of Me is Love. The emotion of love is somewhat like the love that is spirit, but a weak, faint copy. (Feeling love, however, is seductive, and may draw one to develop spirit so that real love can be manifested.) Those with strong, developed spirits can love much and many, and the loving makes more loving possible… another instance of “to him who hath shall more be given.”

The strong spirited can love when the love is not returned. They can love enemies… and those who respond with no emotion. Their love can sustain itself without external reinforcement, whereas those who love, as an emotion, without much spiritual base, need reciprocal love… or else what they feel fades… or turns to hate. The spirit unifies and it also sustains through periods with no positive reinforcement from without.

I have suggested, I hope, that there can be a rivalry, from friendly to almost deadly, between the spirit and the mind or the intellect. You were just thinking about responding to the source of your presentation. True, some people would feel more comfortable if you could say you derived these principles from empirical study or could footnote extensively to prove your scholarship. Put another way, some would feel most uncomfortable with the affirmation that these were presented to you by the Spirit through a process that might be called automatic writing. On the positive side, however, those with developed spirits will appreciate good, useful principles and apt examples, no matter what their source.

A developed spirit does not demand that all knowledge come from the Spirit… or spirits. It can appreciate the many intellectual sources of ideas and concepts. The spirit transforms ideas before using or applying them. They are simply better because they have been “processed” by spirit.

So, you probably have more than enough material for your keynote. There is more, of course, but this is sufficient for this venture. I shall be interested to see how you organize it. You have a good spirit. It will work well with your mind in transforming these teachings into a paper of consequence.

I shall continue to dwell in you and to surround you. Have a busy day… but be aware of spirit.

Mine ears have heard the Glory…
7:10 AM