The Drug Scene

MON., SEPT. 4, 1989, 6:45 AM

One of the few wars now going on in this earth of Mine is quite a unique one. It is the war in the country of Colombia between the government and those called “drug lords” (an unfortunate term). This is a happening of consequence, upon which I should comment. It also is one of your teaching areas, so you should be interested in what I have to say.

The main drug that is the cause of this “war” is that called cocaine. There is no mention of cocaine in the Holy Scriptures. It, and the war it has spawned, are issues that require current comment. There is no generalization from these ancient Scriptures that tells how I, the Holy Spirit, feel about this aspect of life now. So listen and hear, o son.

Cocaine is a drug that comes from My creation, the “world” of plants. The leaves of the coca plant or tree contain substances that stimulate the human brain, which can be a pleasant experience. I have no objection to the simple chewing of these leaves for this effect, any more than I object to steeping leaves of other plants and trees to make refreshing or stimulating teas.

This is an instance where humans have taken something acceptable in simple form and converted it into a social evil. Cocaine, in any of its manufactured, concentrated forms, is a detriment to human functioning in useful ways. Further, it has become the basis for a criminal industry, which has much money. This leads to guns and bombs to defend itself from government oppression… and the whole conflict is an abomination on My earth at this time.

The root cause is the desire in too many people to feel the stimulation that comes from this concentrated substance. Then comes the greed that exploits this desire for high prices. Illegality enters in, which brings police action, which brings resistance, and, finally, war. It is a new phenomenon, and yet it does not surprise Me, for I am aware of all that has ever happened on this small planet, concerning humans.

Conflicting forces have warred against each other throughout human history. And, at the same time, most people have been little affected by these skirmishes. Even most Americans, though they hear about this issue, do not feel personally involved in it. Too many (even as they are relatively few) support the “industry” by small purchases. Heavy use is evident in some, and this produces other crime, and this sustains the industry.

I do not approve of this human action and reaction. It is a waste of human effort, and potential good, productive lives are lost in the various skirmishes. It is an interruption in peace. It is a war without any high purpose. It is the exploitation of human weakness… and the consequences of this.

Why don’t I come out with a firm condemnation… and even act, in some supernatural way, to end this conflict and the drug use that fuels it? Shouldn’t I be acting to make this earth safer… to blot out temptations that humans can’t resist… to make this earth more like the “original Garden”?

Perhaps sadly, you know better. I allow many things and actions that can be called evil, in order that spiritual growth might occur, for some, in this most unique arena. This can’t happen without some temptations, some conflicts. Spirit grows best when there is the possibility of not growing, even of regressing. It is not an idyllic realm, but, from My perspective, it is an effective useful one for My purposes.

MON., SEPT. 4, 1989, 6:45 AM

One of the few wars now going on in this earth of Mine is quite a unique one. It is the war in the country of Colombia between the government and those called “drug lords” (an unfortunate term). This is a happening of consequence, upon which I should comment. It also is one of your teaching areas, so you should be interested in what I have to say.

The main drug that is the cause of this “war” is that called cocaine. There is no mention of cocaine in the Holy . . .

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