The Earth… And You

TUES., APR. 20, 1999, 6:19 AM

As you well know, both from your secular education and from the nearly 20 years of having Teachings from Me, the Earth is a unique planet and a marvelous place for human life. You humans are the highest form of life, but you need the whole web of life for, even, existence, but, certainly, for high quality life. You read, and you feel quite sure, that human activity is now fast changing this ideal earth environment in destructive, even fatal ways. And… there seems to be nothing you can do about this… as you see the first red-orange edge of the sun… on what should be a beautiful Spring day.

And then there’s you. In a bit more than a month you will have birthday #73, and you’ll start on your 74th year of earth life… three score and ten plus four. You are in apparently good physical health, generally, but with losses that are troublesome, as losses. You are one of the young elderly, but you have a strong, steady relationship with Me, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and God Almighty… All of Us.

You have had a fine career as an educator and professor, finishing your active career with a class… and contributions to a larger class… dealing with the environment and ecological truths. You also included the spirit as a vital dimension of both human life and the life of the earth. You became Emeritus at just the right time, and you look out at an almost ideal environment in which to spend these latter years.

So, you and the earth in the “bigger picture” are both still functioning, but in a state of gradual… to perhaps more sudden… decline. Your decline is mostly a factor of your age, as well as certain weaknesses that have begun to be manifested. You intend to keep living as fully as possible, with aches and pains that shall undoubtedly increase. You shall not be as physically active as you have been, but to use what strength, agility, and stamina that you have should continue to be a feature of your life. You have no fears about making the transition to spirit realms, with which you are familiar. Oh, you’re not eager for such a “crossing over,” but you don’t see it as “death” or “the end.”

Thus, you expect to re-enter a spiritual “body” when this one fails and continue your Life journey, beginning what a necessary and worthy evaluation of this one. Saying this will not hasten this “change” for you. It is just “good” to be in healthy expectation.

Now, back to the earth. It is experiencing similar “pains” and “losses,” symbolically, at least. The increasing human population is the equivalent of an obesity that makes normal functioning harder. Human activity, particularly in the developed world is becoming like unto an infection, with waste products affecting the “health” of the air, water, land, other forms of life, and, of course, the humans who produced “it,” with generally good to acceptable motives.

So I tell you, as a “minor Jeremiah,” that deaths are increasingly necessary. Individual deaths still can be mourned… and some do seem senseless and premature… but without some increase now there just will be many more… later. In concert with the little “discussion-course” you just have completed, life must be simplified, for those who do live on. But how can this be, in the agglomerated cities I see? The future must be some amalgam of the simplicity of former times and technological developments that shall reduce the production of waste… combined with re-use.

TUES., APR. 20, 1999, 6:19 AM

As you well know, both from your secular education and from the nearly 20 years of having Teachings from Me, the Earth is a unique planet and a marvelous place for human life. You humans are the highest form of life, but you need the whole web of life for, even, existence, but, certainly, for high quality life. You read, and you feel quite sure, that human activity is now fast changing this ideal earth environment in destructive, even fatal ways. And… there seems to be nothing you can do about . . .

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