The Earth Is Sufficient

TUES., AUG. 4, 1987, 10:05 AM

This is a spiritual truth, o son. Its meaning is that it is quite possible to live simply, taking from the earth and giving back thereto. You know this would be difficult for you to do on a regular basis, year round, but you do like the general premise. Let’s play, this morning, with relationships between spiritual and practical truth.

Hearing Paul’s presentation about his house always causes you to think about your dwelling, your Farm, and your lifestyle. You would like to be a bit more conserving, but there seems to be no really practical way to accomplish this. You certainly could develop your fishing skills, for that pond is an essentially unused food resource. But that would take time, and that “commodity” is generally fully used. I have given you tasks that are yet undone, and you are not grossly wasteful of the time in each day. Still, new balances are always possible, so never feel that your life cannot incorporate some changes.

You know that I tell you that your garden could be more productive. That, too, will require more time, though it can also provide exercise. I just want to keep this in your awareness. At least keep improving the soil, so that when you are willing to plant more extensively your yield will be maximum.

You are part of a culture which does not accept the truth of this title. There must be improvements on nature. Manufacturing must increase. Natural ways of living are not sufficient. You do appreciate the coolness of an air-conditioned building when the sun’s heat is excessive, but you also can function in your own study. I urge you to maintain, for as long as you are able, this capacity to live in the earth as it is, with enjoyment thereof. I am not against “modern conveniences”, but I urge you to see them as “gifts” rather than as “necessities” or “the expected.”

Yes, I do want you to reread the novel you just have restarted. It is a sad tale of the inequalities that are part of the earth scene, and you must always anticipate that there will be a time to reduce these inequalities. Your culture will suffer as much as any, and there will be sincere prayers for My intervention in maintaining the status quo. Just know that any such challenge will be an opportunity for spiritual growth. No matter how much you feel you know this, I shall continue to remind you of this spiritual truth.

The earth is sufficient… but not necessarily for the present population or the present Western desires for affluence and tendencies to waste. There is a balance now, but it is not one that can be sustained. New balances will develop, but the truth remains – the earth is sufficient. Just as I am sufficient.

I tell you repeatedly that I shall provide that which shall be sufficient for you. When you fantasize about having large sums of money I am pleased to note that your desire is not for more affluence, but for more capacity to provide for others. Yet you still have some concern about your later years. Hear… the earth, and I, shall be sufficient. Be wise and frugal now, but ease your worrying about the time of not earning. There shall be a sufficiency.

TUES., AUG. 4, 1987, 10:05 AM

This is a spiritual truth, o son. Its meaning is that it is quite possible to live simply, taking from the earth and giving back thereto. You know this would be difficult for you to do on a regular basis, year round, but you do like the general premise. Let’s play, this morning, with relationships between spiritual and practical truth.

Hearing Paul’s presentation about his house always causes you to think about your dwelling, your Farm, and your lifestyle. You would like to be a bit more . . .

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