The Easter Promise

SAT., APR. 19, 1992, 6:34 AM

I ended the Teaching yesterday morning with “An Easter thought. Selah” You didn’t expect to be back this morning, but you will be less rushed today than you will be tomorrow… so hear Me as I fulfill the promise of the Selah. I shall always have much to tell you about this Easter celebration.

Today is the Jewish Sabbath, and on this day, however many years ago it was, I, as Jesus, was… No, the Scriptures don’t offer a clear picture. Was I in the tomb? No one would come to look on the Sabbath. Tradition says that I arose on Sunday, the first day of the week, so My body should still have been in the tomb.

You remember the Latter Day Saints interpretation of that clause in the Apostle’s Creed – “He descended into hell” or “to the dead” – that I spent this day preaching to those who had died and were lost, urging them to repent and be saved. Was I there, “below,” only in spirit, or was I in body, so that those who heard Me could know I was “real”? Did any of those who heard Me repent and change places? Do I still, as the loving Lord, go to those who didn’t accept Me in their earth lives and give them another chance to grow positively in spirit? Doesn’t this sound like something I’d do?

Then there is My statement to the “good thief” on the cross – “This day you will be with Me in Paradise.” Was this a false promise? Did I not know where I would go when My body died? Was the promise a real one, but just not for that very day? Or did I take him with Me to Paradise on that day and then descend to the dead on the next day? That would have made for a busy time during those hours from Friday at 3 until early Sunday. Hmmm.

That is all interesting speculation and not really important to the Easter promise. Yet in a way it is. If you have accepted My grace and are committed to Me when your physical body ceases to function, suddenly or more slowly, consider this as the promise. Your spirit is freed from your body. You take time for a review of your life with Me, in “Paradise.” Then you have a chance to be with some you could influence who have not accepted Me, in some realm not so desirable. (You are now outside of time so there is much you can do in minutes, hours, and days of earth time.) You may return to the earth to observe those who mourn your loss. You many even be able to communicate with one or some, who need such assurance or who are open to it. Remember that Pete did this with his Aunt Marylin… and then with you in more subtle ways.

Finally, you accept that your earth “time” is really over and you “ascend” to the place best for your development, with your hand still in Mine, for death cannot separate Us, and wherever you go I shall be. Consider this a serious speculation on what Easter says about life after death.

Each morning you are seeing the trees outside with more and bigger leaves. The rain has brought growth to the grass. Weeds flourish. Easter symbolizes new life. Is each leaf truly new? Or does each living tree send forth ever-related leaves… new, but not really new? Can you feel the spirit in this Easter season? in this Spring season? You are not “new” as Easter morn dawns… or can you be? Can you go to that breakfast, that worship service, and that fellowship hour with a newness of spirit exuding from that old body? It is possible. Read this over tomorrow morning before you leave and see if a new surge of spirit is possible… even probably.

SAT., APR. 19, 1992, 6:34 AM

I ended the Teaching yesterday morning with “An Easter thought. Selah” You didn’t expect to be back this morning, but you will be less rushed today than you will be tomorrow… so hear Me as I fulfill the promise of the Selah. I shall always have much to tell you about this Easter celebration.

Today is the Jewish Sabbath, and on this day, however many years ago it was, I, as Jesus, was… No, the Scriptures don’t offer a clear picture. Was I in the tomb? No one would . . .

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