The Economics Of Religion

SUN., MAR. 22, 1998, 3:45 PM

Your religion is, of course, Christian… and specifically, Protestant… and even more, Presbyterian. Your religious heritage is therefore one of middle to upper-middle class independence, a sense that I, the Triune God, have called you to use your talents and energies for what you have the opportunity of doing in this earth scene. You are one of the “called”, and therefore I want you to succeed. A minor theme in your religion is that you may have to suffer some, but mainly it is faith in My capacities and desire to help toward success.

You, personally, are now facing decisions about participation in this growing Campaign, in your own church, to raise a lot of money to increase the size and functionality of your church building. It comes at a time when the “numbers” in your national stock exchange are the highest ever (3:57 / 8:41), and two possibilities seem evident – that prosperity will continue unabated or that there will be a downturn, which will make many to most investments not the gainers they were expected to be. It could mean that your church could be in the midst of a building project when monies pledged would not be forthcoming.

Is that possible? Would reasonably loyal Presbyterian Christians renege on their pledges for an enhanced church plant, when the economy was reducing income, investments, and life status? Yes, it is possible, and some members as committed as you are will choose to distribute what they have to causes other than F.P.C. of Carbondale… including family members.

Would I be disappointed?… angry?… vengeful?… devastated? Remember that My birth story, as Jesus, took place in the manger of a stable. I am not against worldly wealth, nor what this can produce for a church. I realize utilities are necessary and cost money… that employees, including dedicated clergy, serve Me well and require salaries for life necessities. Still, I cannot be enthusiastic about building additions that are aesthetically “correct” or that just represent “affluence”.

You are contributing close to a tithe, and this makes possible, in part, at least, the program that you find desirable. You have other good uses for any “extra” money that you have, and you are not living in ways profligate. You are considering either no pledge or a very modest one for this drive. There is justification for such, if you continue to live rather simply and frugally. It shall be hard to say to a committed solicitor, but, though I do not order such a stance, I can approve what I have proposed, if you have the motivations for it, of which I approve.

Certainly there are churches in your culture/land the programs and plants of which entice many members and attendees. There is a certain truth in the assertion that the more you put into a total church program the more good will come from it. Yet I can also affirm that giving to others… beyond self and local needs… is the real sign of spiritual power.

I can’t tell you if… or when… your national and local economies will dip downward. Some predictions at this time may well be accurate. A strong economy can help church projects, even as lavish as yours is. And yet churches can serve Me quite mightily and fully in less than ideal conditions. You often look around you at this home and its “grounds” and you remark, “I love this place!” You love it for what it is, symbolically, rather than its perfect features.

SUN., MAR. 22, 1998, 3:45 PM

Your religion is, of course, Christian… and specifically, Protestant… and even more, Presbyterian. Your religious heritage is therefore one of middle to upper-middle class independence, a sense that I, the Triune God, have called you to use your talents and energies for what you have the opportunity of doing in this earth scene. You are one of the “called”, and therefore I want you to succeed. A minor theme in your religion is that you may have to suffer some, but mainly it is faith in My capacities and desire . . .

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