The End Of An Earth Life

FRI., APR. 17, 1992, 6:20 AM

Human life in the earth is obvious. There is breathing, speaking, movement, emotions… and many other rather clear signs of life. Yet each life comes to an end, some quickly, some slowly, most somewhere in between. Technological and pharmaceutical medicine makes it possible for life to be sustained beyond what natural adaptation would permit. Occasionally I truly approve of this and help with the process. Mostly… I just let it happen, even as it shades into “playing God.”

There was a time when saving and prolonging lives was a true blessing. I created human life to be sacred but also to fit and be within a whole web of other life forms. The ecology of this earth is the greatest miracle of all… or the most unlikely natural occurrence imaginable, if one chooses to deny My presence and creativity. In Biblical times it took a miracle to prolong and sustain lives beyond natural capacities. And even with rather small populations (by today’s standards) there still was murder, war, and famine, as well as balancing pestilence. (6:45 – 6:50)

Today, efforts to sustain lives, though sometimes deemed inadequate, are effective, from both medical and public health practices. The message I give to you about human life and humans’ material aspirations was not one that could have been perceived when the Scriptures were written. Each human life must end, for the end is an important part of that life.

This is the day, symbolically, on which I, as Jesus, was crucified. My life was taken in a cruel, painful way. And yet I was giving it up to show humans that death is not the end. I was not held in the tomb, a little extra flambuoyance. I returned and made no statement to the effect that I shouldn’t have had My life taken. I was much freer to be where I wanted to be than I had been in “normal” life. After a short time of reassuring the disciples and doing a bit more preaching I, happily, ascended to the Father. Life continues, in different form.

How death comes about is of very little consequence. (7:07 – 9:21) Even suicide, deemed so heinous by some in the Christian community, is, to Me, just another death, another transition from one form of life to another. As I have told you often, I do judge motivations and state of being, but these are always mixed in some unique way. Teresa, for example, was too self-centered in her feeling sorry for herself, but there also were some thoughts of freeing others, as well as herself, from a life that wasn’t truly happy. She has some regrets now, but soon shall be ready to move on in her new realm of life. She hopes David will, also.

One of the “secrets” of this earth life, which too many of My dedicated Christians don’t realize or don’t take seriously, is to be aware of all that is happening in this earth life, appreciate the experiences, and savor the range of happenings. With enlightenment comes the true realization that much of your judging of what is good and what is bad was “wasted effort.” Even painful experiences should be appreciated, for from such come much important learning and, most vitally, spiritual growth.

The phrase that you like “… and I hope that I’m around so I can be here when I die” (yes, partial sentence) has much merit, for the dying process is one that you should live through, as fully as possible. A few folk do this very well, gently letting go of body and this form of life and going on to what is next for them. Hear again that this is the Easter message – life continues, with a Triune Lord who wants you to continue to develop toward enlightenment.

FRI., APR. 17, 1992, 6:20 AM

Human life in the earth is obvious. There is breathing, speaking, movement, emotions… and many other rather clear signs of life. Yet each life comes to an end, some quickly, some slowly, most somewhere in between. Technological and pharmaceutical medicine makes it possible for life to be sustained beyond what natural adaptation would permit. Occasionally I truly approve of this and help with the process. Mostly… I just let it happen, even as it shades into “playing God.”

There was a time when saving and prolonging lives was a true blessing . . .

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