The End Of One Adventure…

SAT., OCT. 27, 1990, 6:51 AM

Your statement yesterday was a good one… that dying is the closing out of one adventure, with death being the beginning of another. You always should see life here in the earth as an adventure. It is not your first one, and it will not be your last, but you are not “allowed” to be more than vaguely aware of previous adventures.

Here in the earth you have a physical body. Yours still functions reasonably well. Today you should make it work a good deal, balanced with some time given to your long list of less physical tasks. This body is the basis for much pleasure, but it also can be the source of much woe. You heard yesterday of a number of cases in which the body was quite diseased, with death ensuing. Continue to thank Me for a healthy body… one that heals well. And continue to take care of this that you have, for the time when one your age can expect breakdown of some kind is… soon.

The body is part of the adventure. A healthy body allows the adventure to be active and far-reaching. Life in a body that must be in a wheelchair is much more restricted… and yet it is still an adventure. Your hearing is diminishing, and you should get your aid repaired. You should prefer the adventure with the aid to one in which you hear less and less.

Dying can be painful, because pain is one of the signals that the body is sick or injured in some way. When the body is deteriorating in some way toward death there often is the experience of pain. Pain is an adventure, but so is relief from pain. Some folks, including your sister Joanne and your sister-in-law Wilma Ruth, live with daily pain, and this is part of their adventure. Yours is relatively pain free, but you should be appreciative of this lest you should have to balance a lack of appreciation. Leading a painful life in a positive, giving way produces much spiritual growth. Yet not every one with such pain can profit from this kind of adventure.

When the brain dies you lose some of what you know. You shall be interested to see what you have learned with your spirit as well as your brain, for this is what goes with you into the next adventure. You see, when you are born into the earth you leave behind much that your spirit knows… or at least this is not available to your brain and the consciousness for which it is responsible. As your spirit grows in an earth life, however, the knowledge it has may “sneak in,” and you begin to be aware of knowledge beyond what you have learned here.

A few people have gifts that allow quite a mixture of spiritual knowledge with “earth knowledge.” You have this capacity to hear Me, and thus you can learn of matters that would not be possible with just your brain. Much of what you have learned from M shall go with you into your next adventure.

Yes, you can prepare for the adventure of death, and I say that it is not morbid to do so. The most important preparation is to see it as an adventure. If you decide to go to Cuba I would be an adventure, but you shall have to give up, for a time, this adventure here. It is a good one, and hard to give up. You know that you shall return, but you hate to give up the good that you have. When death approaches you shall resist, because it means the giving up of this adventure. Yet when you reach a more advanced age and have pain and are aware of deterioration you should more easily look toward the new adventure. First, there is the adventure of dying. Then comes the adventure of death itself… a leaving of the body, the restoration of knowledge that you “left behind” for this earth trip. And the renewal of spiritual friendships that are more long-lasting than those of mere earth.

SAT., OCT. 27, 1990, 6:51 AM

Your statement yesterday was a good one… that dying is the closing out of one adventure, with death being the beginning of another. You always should see life here in the earth as an adventure. It is not your first one, and it will not be your last, but you are not “allowed” to be more than vaguely aware of previous adventures.

Here in the earth you have a physical body. Yours still functions reasonably well. Today you should make it work a good deal, balanced with some time given to . . .

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