“The End Of The Age”

THURS., APR. 2, 1998, 7:10 PM

Yes, o son, this title should be in quotes, for it is more symbolic than real. It usually should herald the end of a particular time, implying that that which succeeds it will be… better… or worse. Being outside of time, I can’t be sure what an “age” is. It really has to be defined, so I’ll delimit it to your lifetime. Let’s just say, again symbolically, that your life span, from 1926 until early in the next century, can be called an age.

There have been a variety of events in this age, and you are now more aware of their significance than you were as they were happening. When you were born your culture was in relative prosperity. Then came the economic Depression, a serious event for many but of little consequence to you. You have some sense that your Dad and his company were struggling for survival, but life was good in that neighborhood around San Francisco Ave.

Then came the War, with Japan and Germany as enemies, with much killing and attempted killing on both sides. Hitler targeted Jews, and, again, My chosen people were in danger. Or… was this again a way that I used to show My displeasure with their behavior, in relation to Me? Or… was this a way, that I had used with them in the long Old Testament story, that tested them… and when they proved humbly faithful, out of the complexity of the War, they were given, again, Israel as their homeland?

Your country is now the undisputed national power in the world, but will this continue? Will Japan fold, economically? Will such a change affect, drastically, an economy as huge as yours? You needn’t wish that you were a prophet, and, I’m glad, you don’t. I know how it will turn out, but you are not one to have such information, as prophesies. And you’re glad for this lack of distinction!

You completed the typing of Our Ruminations today, a laborious task with your muu muu hand. Will this be the end of the age of typing the master copy? I’ll tell you, and you’re not surprised, that this is not the end of this Letter, but you may need to consider the future of its publication. You’re making other adaptations to the loss in your left hand, and these are good, whether or not you regain full functioning of the fingers.

There is no need for you to be concerned with the future – of your country, your community, your church, your family… even you own life. Changes benefit some and are harmful to others. As you quoted Me in this Letter, soon to go out, live each day fully and focus on your spiritual future, not the economic/political mess that both you and I see.

(7:40 PM / 6:14 AM)

Your “age” was one of radio, telephones, television, and various means of duplicating printed materials. Yet this “age” emerging is being called the “information age”, and you are not yet functioning in this time of computers. Will this experience with the typewriter “balls” push you toward this now not-so-new technology? Yes, it is possible.

This “new age” is not as appealing to you as the one you’ve lived in and enjoyed. Just know that while I’m allowing it I am not causing it to be. I’m allowing it because it does have some advantages for you humans, but it also is creating a dependence that is worrisome.

Information has some importance, but more and more is not necessarily better and better. You can’t process much more new information, and you needn’t for happiness and success in “your age”. You have re-read some books from earlier times. Continue to do this, but also re-read these Teachings to you. These are your most relevant record of this “age” of yours… right up there with My Holy Scriptures. This is the “way” for you as one “age” melds into another.

THURS., APR. 2, 1998, 7:10 PM

Yes, o son, this title should be in quotes, for it is more symbolic than real. It usually should herald the end of a particular time, implying that that which succeeds it will be… better… or worse. Being outside of time, I can’t be sure what an “age” is. It really has to be defined, so I’ll delimit it to your lifetime. Let’s just say, again symbolically, that your life span, from 1926 until early in the next century, can be called an age.

There have been a . . .

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