The Experience Of Health

MON., MAY 4, 1992, 6:44 AM

This conference today is on health care, with the question as to whether it is related to religion. You shall be presented as one of the authorities on this subject, and you still are reluctant to accept such a designation. Just remember and accept that you are a healthy human and one who enjoys his practice of religion. Those are your major qualifications. They must shine forth as you speak this day.

Nearing the end of your 66th year you feel well, your injuries are practically healed, and you are happy with your status in life. Despite your state’s economic problems you are secure in your position, and you enjoy the teaching you do immensely. You have a few frustrations with extra tasks, but these are minimal. You foresee a gentle downhill slope to a natural, expected retirement, with good old #48.

Financially you are better off than you’ve been during life, and generally you feel comfortable with the income and outgo of money. You son Bob will have troubles supplying what his family needs, but probably his situation will be about like yours was, so he should come through. Totally the family has resources to help, and some of that will be needed, from time to time. Your other sons seem to have achieved some economic success. Matthew needs to come closer to Me, but when this happens his wealth can serve important purposes of Mine, and he shall feel more fulfilled than he does now.

Speaking of finances I shall just note that because of the insecurity you still feel in relation to your income and needs, you needed to strip yourself of all that you had saved, yet again, and to experience no real change in your life status. That money probably will be returned by John Patrick, but that is not as important as your willingness to give it to them. The spiritual principle that you never quite affirm is that I, Holy Spirit, can and do provide for your needs, so these givings of your reserves are times of faith. I just shall continue to remind you of this spiritual fact.

Physically you are pleased with the slow return of functioning in your foot and shoulder. It was good for your spirit that the healing has been slow. You availed yourself of professional care only to please others, and you have carried out My prescription rather well. Just know that these appreciations and exhibitions should continue, even after full recovery. You must begin running again, not for any competition but just to assure better body condition. Your decision in relation to treatment by Donald was a good one. You needed to feel healthy, not the victim of ill-health. Treatment in his mode was obviously not needed, and I approve of your reaction to it. Continue to have this positive feeling about your health and your capacities. This shall help assure that these continue.

Yet you can expect departures from your present healthy status, and these shall be challenges to your spirit. I repeat again a fundamental truth about health: as physical health declines the health of spirit must increase. This can be so only if you almost cherish the experiences of ill-health and know how it feels to call on your spirit’s reserve to compensate. This means, of course, giving more attention to others than to yourself, really rejecting the temptation to feel sorry for yourself, turning instead to the needs of others. This is the secret of the fullest health to the end of your earth life.

MON., MAY 4, 1992, 6:44 AM

This conference today is on health care, with the question as to whether it is related to religion. You shall be presented as one of the authorities on this subject, and you still are reluctant to accept such a designation. Just remember and accept that you are a healthy human and one who enjoys his practice of religion. Those are your major qualifications. They must shine forth as you speak this day.

Nearing the end of your 66th year you feel well, your injuries are practically healed, and . . .

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