The Experience Of Light

WED., JULY 26, 1989, 5:40 AM

Light, yes, light is one of the best ways of experiencing Me. Dramatically and effectively I touch the spirits of people in light. I come to some as light. Others come to Me, seeing Me as light. A few experience a merger of self into light. I do love light.

“The great light of the day” is now rising. This is the dramatic, poetic way of saying that the earth has turned so that it now shall face the established sun, the center of this system and the ultimate source of all physical light. Much can be accomplished in the light. Much can be seen and appreciated in the light. You could not be writing this at such an early hour if it were not for this small, artificial light. I have created light, for spiritually I am Light. Any light you experience is a representation of Me. Or experience Me directly as Light.

The light from the sun also warms… and this time of year in your land it truly heats. Warmth and heat are to be appreciated. Some complain that the heat is excessive just as some resist coming into the brilliance of My Light. I have given you the capacity to appreciate warmth, even heat… and also light. Even in mild discomfort never give up this appreciation.

I give you words, phrases, and sentences. Each is the equivalent of light. I offer you insights which also are light. You have not yet had the experience Chris describes, and you may, yet, or may not. Realize that these words, which shall cover these pages, are your form of light. You experience light each time to take up a Teaching and reread it. Do not yearn after another’s experience of light when you have such a vivid one each time you come to Me.

This is not to say that you will not have such a physical light experience. This is quite possible, but it must not be something you seek, denigrating the light of the experience that is yours to enjoy. I come to humans as light in a great variety of ways. Yours is unique. So is Chris’s. Appreciate My capacities and My varieties.

Light is utilitarian. You could not have commenced this Teaching at the time I awoke you if you hadn’t had this useful light. Now the light is sufficient to continue in the light of early morning. Much can be accomplished today because there is light from the sun. There is much, much you can do as long as the light persists.

Light also is aesthetic… to be loved and appreciated for its own sake. Life is not just for accomplishment. Accomplishment is a by-product of being. You actually accomplish more if you first take plenty of time to appreciate being… with a spirit attuned to Mine.

Be in the Light. Be the Light. Then set forth to accomplish what this being makes possible. But return often to times of appreciation for just being.

Know also that while I come so brilliantly in the Light I also am in the darkness. Always remember that I am never limited to any condition or state. I am not either/or. I always am both/and. It is “natural,” perhaps, to equate goodness, and Me, with light and then evil and “not-Me” with darkness. Wrong. Darkness and lack of light is also Me… more difficult to appreciate, but so.

WED., JULY 26, 1989, 5:40 AM

Light, yes, light is one of the best ways of experiencing Me. Dramatically and effectively I touch the spirits of people in light. I come to some as light. Others come to Me, seeing Me as light. A few experience a merger of self into light. I do love light.

“The great light of the day” is now rising. This is the dramatic, poetic way of saying that the earth has turned so that it now shall face the established sun, the center of this system and the ultimate source of . . .

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