The Farm

THURS., NOV. 29, 1990, 6:50 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, have told you many times, in many ways, that you are not a prophet and that this communication We have is not meant to offer specific directions about life decisions. It is not a ministry like unto Mabel’s, wherein I would tell you exactly what to do or give you words of direction for others. Rather, it is a time of Teaching in which I get you to think about issues or situations so that the decisions you eventually make will be more consistent with the way I would have you lead your life. My suggestions are not commandments. Yet I do want you to know what I have to say about events in your life, including the ones that require decisions.

Two or so years ago you had to consider the possible loss of this Farm (And I reiterate that I do want you to capitalize it because it is a special place for you… of this I approve.) The possibility was before you that a stone quarry would be located on or very near this property, making it less desirable as a home place. I told you that even as this Farm is special for you you must not be attached to it. If it must be sold then you are to move on to some other scene and become as committed to its advantages… not looking back except to remember these positive years of your life.

Now you face another challenge to your continuance in this place. Your son John Patrick has great developing plans to make this his family place, though the practicalities of such a move are still not present. You would like to know that this Farm would remain your family place, and this seems like the best way. Yet his desire to have his house exactly on this site poses the major problem. It seems clear that Lenore does not want to move into town, and you feel that you, too, could live out your foreseeable days of activity here in the country.

The spiritual choice seems to be one of maintaining the place that has been good for your spiritual development or sacrificially giving it up to meet your son’s desires. An alternative you are considering now is moving this house, but, again, the finances are a consideration for your future. (You may finish this later this morning).

( 7:25 / 10:31 )

Sacrifices are important spiritual practices. Yet there always must be a balance among those who do the sacrificing and those who benefit from the sacrifice of another. Your loved and loving life partner, Lenore, is comfortable in this place. In some ways, particularly emotional comfort, she would be making more of a sacrifice in moving from the Farm than would you. Still, it has become an important part of your life, most especially your spiritual life. It is a good balance to your teaching life, and life here will, potentially make it possible for you to work longer, with comfort.

John Patrick’s life is far from settled at his young age. It could be important for him to make some sacrifices, some modifications of his ideal plans. He must consider the selfishness of asking you to change your way of living to accommodate his present plans. Balancing selfishness and attempts to give to others is a lifelong task. You have done this fairly well so far… you and Lenore.

Remember also that you do share this place, both directly and vicariously, with many students, and this makes an impression on more of them than you can ever know. Sharing can be done in many, many ways… yet this is a good one for you at this time.

It is good to consider alternatives. It also is good to involve Matthew in plans for the future. He has spiritual powers that are rather untapped, and he has opportunities, with his wealth, to be helpful in ways that he could not in his condition of “poverty.” I did not arrange for this chance win, but I can use it to help him grow. His desires to help in some ways should not be rejected.

THURS., NOV. 29, 1990, 6:50 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, have told you many times, in many ways, that you are not a prophet and that this communication We have is not meant to offer specific directions about life decisions. It is not a ministry like unto Mabel’s, wherein I would tell you exactly what to do or give you words of direction for others. Rather, it is a time of Teaching in which I get you to think about issues or situations so that the decisions you eventually make will be more consistent with the . . .

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