The Fight For Life

TUES., DEC. 30, 1997, 6:31 AM

Through these early morning hours you’ve been hearing your dogs barking, accompanied by enough “coyote noise” to cause you to worry about Mele, the defenseless baby calf in the pasture. You assume the mother and the rest of the herd would protect her, but you suspect that coyotes truly can be wily, causing fear and therefore self-preservation rather than protection of the young. This is an aspect of My earth scene that is not pleasant for many of you Christians. There is a constant fight for life.

Yes, there is a combative quality to life, for as you have often observed, in your environment class, particularly, all forms of life are potential food for other forms of life. How many times have you sung the song, The Fox, with its “message” that the fox must feed his family of little ones, and so a duck and a goose, from a farmer’s pen, are stolen and become that necessary food.

A young calf in a big pasture is certainly vulnerable to a pack of coyotes. She has learned (combined with instincts) to stay close to her mother, and the mother is protective, but … could she… would she battle a pack of coyotes, who, also fight for life by seeking food? In a few minutes you shall see whether Mele survived yet another night of “being sought”.

Yesterday you were struck by the story in Hong Kong: four people have died from “bird flu”, so over a million chickens, including chicks, are killed in order to stem the potential epidemic. Oh, I sorta admire this display of “reverence” for human life, but it is increasingly inappropriate because of the size and the growth of the human population. There must be a more even balance between births and deaths if the web of life here on earth is to continue.

There now are no wars, as such, and I do prefer peace, but without casualties from wars there have to be other means for the balance that is needed. In the last century My servant Thomas asserted the war, pestilence, and famine were the natural means for controlling the size of the people population. The coyotes represent the desire to thwart famine… to find, kill, and devour food so that their lives continue. This flu situation seems to be a mutated microorganism that can move from bird to human, the human then becoming the “food” for a larger “germ family”. Hence, many birds are killed… and then wasted rather than being food for humans… because a few cannot adapt to this threat.

I do admire this fight for life… and it is a gift of Mine as part of the sustaining of life. Yet, increasingly I see it as “a blessing gone wrong”. Surely the organism will be identified, and soon there will be a vaccine to protect some humans, at least. This is part of the modern fight for life – sera to protect from disease… quite an industry.

Yet, as you are aware, the industries that protect life, provide food, other necessities and some luxuries (in this era) also produce waste that is making this earth less “livable”. I have allowed this, and, in various ways, “premature” deaths will increase. There will be much wailing… and prayers to Me to counter this deterioration… but the rebalancing must proceed. This earth life of yours will be over before this human rebalancing really gets under way, but appreciate that it now is beginning.

The news recently featured the fight for life of seven tiny babies, birthed from one not very large mother. Medical facilities made the fight a winnable one… and many lives are prolonged each day in modern hospitals. Yes, I am part of this process, particularly when I am acknowledged, by patients, families, and medical personnel, but I also am part of the disease and infection process… and the changing weather processes that will take lives and alter food production in some places,

TUES., DEC. 30, 1997, 6:31 AM

Through these early morning hours you’ve been hearing your dogs barking, accompanied by enough “coyote noise” to cause you to worry about Mele, the defenseless baby calf in the pasture. You assume the mother and the rest of the herd would protect her, but you suspect that coyotes truly can be wily, causing fear and therefore self-preservation rather than protection of the young. This is an aspect of My earth scene that is not pleasant for many of you Christians. There is a constant fight for life.

Yes, there . . .

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