The Final Day

FRI., JULY 27, 1990, 4:52 AM

It is dark, and you hear only the strange sound of a single early rising bird. You were awakened in the midst of an active dream, which was necessary to complete your covenant for the week. You certainly will need My help to stay alert on the drive home. I have heard your prayer, and I shall hear more. I shall do what I can to help, but, remember, I do real miracles only occasionally.

The School experience is in its final day. In one sense it was a long, arduous week, and in another it has gone by quickly. It has been quite worthwhile, but not quite as exciting as some previous years. I already have told you not to decide yet whether you should plan to return. Send in suggestions for courses, but do not make definite plans for some time.

You are commencing the day in the best way possible, even at the expense of sleep. You see that when you are hearing Me there is no desire to sleep. You needn’t go back to your original covenant of “meeting with Me” each day, but I liked this one, including the discipline of arising this early to be sure that this Teaching would be received, and in completeness. Consider two conditions for which this is an analog. There, finally, is no better use of your timeless attention than coming to Me, so be only minimally concerned about the sleep you could have had instead. In a wider sense, consider that you are part of the “young elderly” of your culture, but I still say to resist the call to rest excessively. There shall be much opportunity to rest when your earth life is over. There is so much that you could be doing, for My Kingdom, rather than sleeping.

Your classes have been worthwhile, but not truly outstanding. You have been faithful, and you have participated well. You shall have to see if the experiences were outstanding… or just above average. Yesterday’s process was more important than the actual results. You are comfortable with active processes, so consider that a good experience.

Without your guitar you still have accomplished a good deal in having people see you as a unique Christian personality. You are not as outgoing as you would like to be, but you accept this rather well, and still try to initiate relationships and action. You need not worry about relative failure. You didn’t dance, but you were a quiet part of a group that resisted actively. Your recovery from your barefoot “indiscretion” shall be rapid. Your knee also is just a sign to remind you of vulnerability. Your walking regimens this week have been commendable. The balance with food intake has been responsible, and you have used the exercise time for contemplation and preparation and practicing for future opportunities.

Holy Communion shall be the culminating experience of worship. You would like to be a serving elder, but you shall not be (unless I intervene). Offer the suggestion of Communion more often. While it is both the best introductory AND culminating experience it also can be the most meaningful way to center your coming or closing day in relation to the Christ Who is salvation. As a remembrance it could be offered each day. The compromise could be two more Communions during the week. Use it this morning as a reminder of your born-again status and as a springboard back into your normal life. Go with Me. Be with Me… as I go and am with you.

You have selected well the Teachings for this morning meditation. Offer the Ruminations this morning. Accept this opportunity in the early morn as a gift from Me. I am made known in this way, but, as you expected, I have been successful in making it an enriching experience for most… and you are not outcast for your step into the mystic. Hallelujah!

FRI., JULY 27, 1990, 4:52 AM

It is dark, and you hear only the strange sound of a single early rising bird. You were awakened in the midst of an active dream, which was necessary to complete your covenant for the week. You certainly will need My help to stay alert on the drive home. I have heard your prayer, and I shall hear more. I shall do what I can to help, but, remember, I do real miracles only occasionally.

The School experience is in its final day. In one sense it was a long . . .

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