The Form Of Worship

SUN., DEC. 4, 1983, 6:08 AM

Hear, o son, on this day of Sabbath what I have to say about forms of worship. You shall formally worship today… you shall even be part of that service… so I would have you more aware of what it is you are doing.

Worship is the process of showing your allegiance to and your respect for Me, as Almighty God, as Jesus, the Christ, and as the Holy Spirit. It also is the central act of the church, as My Body, the people of God together. Oh, there can and should be individual worship, but mainly worship is a special time of the church being together.

Because this “togetherness” is important to Me there are many forms of worship. This is desirable, so that individuals, with different preferences (due to childhood experiences, personality, and experiences before this earth life) may enter fully and comfortably into the time of worship. There is no form that I prefer above all others… except… whatever the form, I want as full participation of the spirit as possible. (And I would have you be more attentive and receptive this morning. You just are not paying attention.)

Some forms of worship are formal and liturgical. This means that the service is basically the same each Sabbath and whenever else it occurs. The worshipper who is familiar with the form can expect no deviation from it. The words and music are the same, the length is the same… the emphasis is on familiarity and on continuity of tradition.

One aspect of My nature is that I am the same, through all ages. This is a truth, not negated by My responses over the Scriptural period which are recorded and My apparent variety of actions and reactions over the intervening years. “Jesus Christ is the same – yesterday, today, and forever” is a truth, and so worship that is slavishly repetitive celebrates this steady, constant aspect of My Nature.

At the other extreme a worship service could be completely spontaneous. There would be no accepted form. The worshippers would let My Spirit direct, and the form would develop anew each time. Such worshippers would have to be true innovators not looking for “a form”, but committed to newness and variety. This form would celebrate My nature as “ever fresh and new”… each day in the earth is unique, and My actions and reactions today shall not be exactly as they were ever before. I am the Supreme Innovator. This, too, is truth, and worship reflecting this truth would be pleasing to Me. (You shall add some variety to the service today which shall not have been so before, nor is it likely to be again.)

Most worshipping groups, however, develop a form that is some mixture of these two extremes. Liturgical worship has more repetitive quality. Worshippers participate, but in a way that becomes familiar and constant. Repeating the Lord’s Prayer, without accent or emotion is liturgical. Saying the exact words but with feeling and expression is less liturgical. Remember, I do not value one form over another, just as I do not value one personality over another. “The first shall be last, and the last, first” says that even as I appear to value a personality or a behavior, that value is superceded by another, even its opposite. This is an ultimately illogical aspect of My nature, necessary in order that I not become completely explainable.

Your preference for worship is some formal style, some liturgy… and some innovation, variety, and spontaneity. You must admit that this fits your personality. It is not “ideal”, save for those who have the same preferences. For Me, there is no “ideal”. I would not have all persons be the same, even in the way that they acknowledge and worship Me.

SUN., DEC. 4, 1983, 6:08 AM

Hear, o son, on this day of Sabbath what I have to say about forms of worship. You shall formally worship today… you shall even be part of that service… so I would have you more aware of what it is you are doing.

Worship is the process of showing your allegiance to and your respect for Me, as Almighty God, as Jesus, the Christ, and as the Holy Spirit. It also is the central act of the church, as My Body, the people of God together. Oh, there can and . . .

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