The Future

THURS., JAN. 27, 1984, 12:27 PM

Hear, o son, in this new place and odd time, what I have to say to you about the future. “… say to you” is important, for I do not offer the same messages to all persons, even to all those who hear Me rather well. My purposes are many, and different souls shall play different roles in achieving these purposes. Some of My messages, even some of those that come in written, accepted Scripture, seem inconsistent with other utterances. Sometimes they are, and sometimes they just seem to be, because you think in terms of earthly time. So… these are not all universally applicable; they are to you. However, some are good for those with whom you have contact… and almost nothing is truly universal… except Me, in My various forms.

First, even though I gave you the title I must say that there will appear to be a number of futures rather than a single one implied by the article “The”. Different people have different experiences. Those who presumably have “the same” experience will actually experience these differently… giving a range of perceptions. And with different values, the interpretation of experiences is quite varied. Whatever happens tomorrow, or in April, or in the 1990’s is all, by definition, future, but among the earth’s peoples and spirits there will be many futures.

Earlier I said, “there will appear to be a number of futures…” One meaning of that is… future is tied to the concept of time, which is a reality and a limitation to you, but not to Me. I shall not try to explain this to you. When you leave your body and return to a world of spirit you shall understand clearly… as you did before you took on earthly form.

You think a lot about the future, but as you do so it is a present activity. You can create futures in your mind, in realistic or in fantasy form. Are these worthwhile? What would you have been doing instead? Utilizing the mind has value, almost no matter what the content. So I have no absolute opposition to future-oriented thinking.

How shall I be involved in the future? Fully, no matter what the circumstances. Even though it may seem that evil forces are dominant, there am I in the midst, as powerful and as omniscient as always. No future can “develop” without Me… be assured of that.

I said that I have many purposes. That is true, but so is, “My main purpose is to help souls grow in spirit, toward selflessness and toward the realization that individuality is not really necessary.” The further one is from spiritual maturity, the more important one’s present and future individuality seems. So every now and again (a worthy phrase) consider the future without being an individual. It shall be difficult at first, but it is the most important form of future thinking you can do (But don’t start until you finish this!)

THURS., JAN. 27, 1984, 12:27 PM

Hear, o son, in this new place and odd time, what I have to say to you about the future. “… say to you” is important, for I do not offer the same messages to all persons, even to all those who hear Me rather well. My purposes are many, and different souls shall play different roles in achieving these purposes. Some of My messages, even some of those that come in written, accepted Scripture, seem inconsistent with other utterances. Sometimes they are, and sometimes they just seem to be, because . . .

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