The Future… ?

WED., OCT. 23, 1996, 8:43 AM

The Book of Daniel is full of predictions of the future, but remember that I’ve also identified this story as a farce, even a holy one. There are specific years given, as well as days. There are empires named or alluded to which are of no significance in this earth scene at the end of century #20. I have enjoyed… even smiled or laughed at… the serious interpretations of these prophetic dreams and visions over the years.

Now some portions of these Holy Scriptures are serious and needed to be heeded directly and literally. Yet intermixed with these are portions that represent My sense of fun and humor. Do I reveal this to all “seekers”? Obviously not. But I do so to you. Why? Through years of Teachings I have helped you be ready for and accepting of such affirmations. Remember that I don’t need to be consistent, with the same message for all people, even all servants.

You made an affirmation this morning that I have given you to make: I am pleased and satisfied with this earth scene that I have created and let develop. Some aspects are not exactly what I would approve if I were directly dictating how everything should be, but this is the nature of My sovereignty. I am the Supreme Adapter, so I can make whatever happens fit into My overall “Plan”. Never fear that I am overcome by what you humans do. From My perspective the earth is, and continues to be, in the future, an excellent “site” for spiritual growth. And that’s what life is all about. The physical part of it is one manifestation, and not a particularly major one. When you return you’ll have that larger awareness and appreciation once again.

Thus, the most important statement I can make in relation to the future is that there will continue to be much spiritual growth here. For most souls this will come from ordinary, unpublicized living, much of it in living conditions that your culture would dub “sub-standard”. The ebb and flow of life offers many small opportunities for exercising spirit, both consciously and unconsciously. Your culture, even too much of the Christian portion, puts way too much negative importance on death.

In the future deaths will increase, in many ways, some not yet manifested. Your culture will tend to spend too much, in resources and time, to “prevent” such, but it is an inevitable result of the increase in human population during your lifetime. You can calculate that there would have to be thousands more deaths per day, even, to just stabilize the world population at its present over-crowded level.

Thus, to adapt to this future condition you should encourage the celebration of lives, while they are in progress and also after a death. Each death is some combination of loss and gain.

Be positive. Accentuate the gain that comes with death. Each death should not diminish you, but should enhance your appreciation of life.

You expect no accolades or expressions of regret when you retire… when your full-time career dies. You will have no more lasting impact than those who preceded you in retirement, including Elena and Don. Expect this. Oh, you can accept any tributes offered, and “celebrations” of what you have been and done, but also assume that life in this Department, College, and University will go on, unaffected by your absence.

However I’ll also reiterate that this death of a career will also be a birth into a state of retirement, with more freedoms but also continuing responsibilities, to Me. Just as you now are beginning to prepare for retirement, so that time will be a preparation for dropping your body and passing on over to another familiar realm. Thus I encourage you to be particularly appreciative of your teaching and greater university life, while it lasts, while preparing to appreciate again the realms of spirit.

WED., OCT. 23, 1996, 8:43 AM

The Book of Daniel is full of predictions of the future, but remember that I’ve also identified this story as a farce, even a holy one. There are specific years given, as well as days. There are empires named or alluded to which are of no significance in this earth scene at the end of century #20. I have enjoyed… even smiled or laughed at… the serious interpretations of these prophetic dreams and visions over the years.

Now some portions of these Holy Scriptures are serious and needed to be . . .

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