The God Dilemma

WED., SEPT. 14, 1994, 8:48 AM

The dilemma I shall speak of this morning is that of My sovereignty and power and its relationship to human action. Am I in charge, and what does this mean? To what extent am I dependent on you and other humans for what I want in earth life? Isn’t that enough in the way of questions?

Daniel declares, early in his saga, that I, as Almighty God, have all the power necessary. If I could seat and unseat kings then I certainly can affect governments now. There are more and more diverse peoples now, but My power has not been diminished. As I have told you repeatedly earth life moves along in ways satisfactory to Me. I can affect any aspect of earth life that seems important to Me. If I don’t change things as you may wish just know that there are reasons for the continuation of what may seem to be an evil.

For example, the two tribes in Rwanda who have age-old hatreds for each other have wrought apparent devastation on one another and on their country. It is not My “favorite thing” to allow such bloodshed, but I judged that such a “war” was necessary before there could be any peace between the tribes.

I could have saved the 8 children who died of smoke inhalation in your city. I could have carried the plane that crashed to a safe landing. Yet you can’t consider the children’s lives I saved on that and subsequent days… nor the planes I’ve brought down safely that could have crashed without My help. Consider that if I saved and prolonged every life that is in danger would the earth be a happier, better place or plane? From My superior “place” of observation I must say No. If every aborted fetus was born and lived a full life it would not be to the advantage of the earth. Sorry… that’s the way it is. ( 9:12 / 9:15 )

I am a God of love, and I do love the earth and the humans in this unique plane of incarnated being. Yet humans cannot tell Me how I must act if I am a loving God. As Jesus I railed against the Pharisees because they told Me how I should behave… what I should and should not say. I am as displeased with present-day Christians who follow in the Pharisee tradition and proclaim how I must be today… what I must approve of and what I must oppose. Do I still love some of these for their dedication to Me? Of course.

Remember that if there were true equality in the earth you Americans, even you who do not consider yourself to be affluent, would have much less. Is the fact that you have so much more than the majority of souls in the earth a gift from Me… part of My will? You’d better believe it. Do I love you more because you have more? Of course not. I have allowed this to happen in your culture as a test of spiritual strength and power. Many who appear to be doing well in earth life are disappointed as they come on over… disappointed in how they utilized their positions and affluence. On the other hand, some who are successful in earth life are also successful in growth spiritually and in serving Me.

The basic dilemma that was unearthed this morning is how can you know what I want of you in terms of human action attempting to do “better things”? I lead you more directly than I do many others. I do work “through you” in affecting some other lives. I do let some folk pretty much “do it alone. Every single action by every single person is not determined by Me, but, in general, I am pleased with the functioning of earth life. Remember that I am aware of and appreciate much more than the events that make news. I have little concern for much of that… except for how individuals, families, and nations react.

If you were a Cuban living in Cuba you would have a different challenge than you have now. I do not approve of the embargo that your country has maintained for many years, but it has posed a challenge for the Cuban people that has produced some spiritual growth. I would approve of lifting that embargo, but I cannot say that the results would be incredibly better. Haiti had a “democratic” election, and are they better off? Will your invasion of them make for improvement? Just never deny that I am in charge, and I am balancing, without effort.

9:45 AM