The God Of Moses?

WED., JULY 21, 1999, 9:02 AM

Yes, o son, this God, the God of Moses, is the only real God there is… and I, Holy Spirit, am both an integral Part of Him and a Spirit that reaches beyond the Biblical story. Moses had some memorable encounters with Me, as Yahweh, and these are interpreted, in Scripture, to be all serious. I was angry. I was sorry for what I did… or threatened. I favored a single ethnic group over all others. I was the original “ethnic cleanser,” more “effective” than the current “cleanser,” Slobadan.

Now hear Me say that, more importantly, I was having fun. Remember, yet again, that physical deaths are of little concern to Me. So, to kill… or to have people die from any cause, is just part of earth life. This is an aspect of Me… an interpretation of Scriptural, historical, and current events that your culture has difficulty accepting. But, yes, I was having fun… with Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and the horde of Jews that were wandering around the Sinai desert.

Let’s review the story. I, Yahweh, call Moses up the mountain. One passage says that he is not allowed to see Me. I hide him in a rock; then he can see only My back (what does Almighty God’s back look like?) He can hear Me, but He can’t see Me. But then… We are talking together, as friends, face to face. I seem to be a “peek-a-boo” God. Many other folk who would have this experience… or one like it in any time and culture… would be overcome by My Presence. Moses could… and did… stand up to Me. In fun, I threatened to wipe out My chosen people, for characteristics I knew they had when I chose them. Moses stood up to Me, and the Scriptural story tells that “I changed My mind.” I tested Moses, and he “came through.” I knew he would… ( 9:22 / 9:25 ) but he didn’t.

As you know, the Moses story ends with My forbidding him from entering the Promised Land… except for the incident when I, as Jesus, many “years” later, made a “booth” (whatever that was for Moses), and We exchanged views there on another mountain. Isn’t that pretty humorous?

If I, as Yahweh, was miffed by a golden calf, made by playful Aaron (“I melted the gold, and there was a calf”) My wrath seeped into Moses, and, seeing dancing, drinking, and feasting (even sexual play), he smashed the tablets with the Ten Commandments, written by Me, in stone. Showing he could be as angry as I was (he was getting good at acting like Me!) he melted the gold calf, pounded it into powder (in “ordinary time”), and made the people drink it, mixed with water, presumably. I liked it when Moses could be as angry as I had been and was able, and willing, to act out that anger in quite a wonderfully bizarre way.

In the continuing story, which your morning group is not going to read and study (now, at least) I help the Jews conquer the Amorites, Jebusites, et al and occupy the Promised Land. In today’s world this area of land is occupied by Jews and by the devotees of Allah, Islam, a competing “force” stronger than the “opponents” of Moses’ time.

Doesn’t it bring a smile when you consider that two great religious-spiritual “forces” have come out of Abraham’s sons, Isaac and Ishmael. And I, as Jesus, came as a Jew, but, being rejected by them (because I, as Yahweh, had, presumably, told them I was wholly One, (and one couldn’t be three?). I transformed My Body (mystically) into the Church of Jesus Christ, in its many forms and manifestations, today.

But then, to keep the funny drama going, I came to Mohammed as Allah, and now these “descendants” of Ishmael are a competing force in the Middle East (in their two or more “forms”).

WED., JULY 21, 1999, 9:02 AM

Yes, o son, this God, the God of Moses, is the only real God there is… and I, Holy Spirit, am both an integral Part of Him and a Spirit that reaches beyond the Biblical story. Moses had some memorable encounters with Me, as Yahweh, and these are interpreted, in Scripture, to be all serious. I was angry. I was sorry for what I did… or threatened. I favored a single ethnic group over all others. I was the original “ethnic cleanser,” more “effective” than the current “cleanser,” Slobadan.

Now hear . . .

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