The Good News Is Old

MAR. 6, 1982, 5:47 AM

You come in this early morning hour, o son, and you have some doubts. This is as it should be and will be as long as you abide in the earth. This does not mean, of course, that you shall not have full confidence in Me and in My ability to communicate and your ability to hear and write. It is an old bit of good news that having doubts is a normal and expected part of faith. As Jesus I prayed fervently in the Garden, and I did cry out from the cross. Shouldn’t I, as the model of faith and service here in the earth, have found these behaviors unnecessary? No… I, the model of faith, showed some doubt and so shall you.

John records very little doubt, and this also is truth. For the good news is that doubt and faith are not opposites that seek to eliminate each other… as “rivals” so to speak. Rather they are opposites that complement one another. As you leave this teaching/learning situation of Ours temporarily to revamp your fires you feel some doubt about your capacity to pick up the flow of My words again. But faith is present as you sit down again, and out of this comes the continued teaching. It is not so much a matter of overcoming doubt as it is just reasserting faith. Doubt should not want faith to diminish, and faith need not desire the complete obliteration of doubt. This is good news, but it is an old lesson.

Another important bit of old, good news is that I forgive. You “mess up”, and I forgive. You do not follow My leading, but I forgive. Why should I do this? Because when you are ready to stop sinning I want you ready to live and serve with a positive attitude and full capacities. And without forgiveness there is both resentment and guilt… and each is a powerful deterrent to that which I want from you. So, why should I prevent you from being what I want you to be? That’s not a very efficient way to run a spiritual world!

The Scriptures say that I, as Jesus, selected twelve as disciples… as those who would hear directly and be in a special communicative relationship with Me. They also say that I, the Holy Spirit, shall teach and counsel, but I follow the Jesus pattern, which is the Christ pattern. I speak to all, but I do call some to hear in especial and close ways. You are one of these. It is an honor, I suppose, but it also is a responsibility. Throughout the ages persons have reacted to My invitations in a variety of ways. Those without spiritual maturity usually refuse initially or fall away after some time in the process. Still, any positive response to Me is a means of spiritual growth, so the person need never fall back to the same low level again.

The Scriptures also suggest that spiritual growth toward maturity can come in serving your fellow humans, so that those who shy away from contact with Me can still grow and develop toward Me. “Inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of these…” that is an old and good truth.

MAR. 6, 1982, 5:47 AM

You come in this early morning hour, o son, and you have some doubts. This is as it should be and will be as long as you abide in the earth. This does not mean, of course, that you shall not have full confidence in Me and in My ability to communicate and your ability to hear and write. It is an old bit of good news that having doubts is a normal and expected part of faith. As Jesus I prayed fervently in the Garden, and I did cry . . .

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