The Gospel Story

FRI., SEPT. 11, 1987, 5:54 AM

The Bible is a story, with many sub-stories. In one sense they don’t fit together very well, but in another, more mystical sense they tell one story. The Gospel story. The wonderful mystical nature of it is that the story can be told in several ways, each of which is truth. Hear, o son, the Gospel story as I tell it to you on this late summer morning.

The Gospel story is a “good news” story. I, as Almighty God, am the Creator of all that is and the Sustainer of order. Yet order includes competition among life forms and this includes life and death. The story of My life as Jesus ends with death as a means to the life of many others… and with death being overcome. So death is both a blessing and an ultimate unreality.

The Gospel story tells that I am involved in many aspects of life. I do not meddle (much) with the order I have created, and yet I may be involved at any time in any way. I am not a whimsical God, but I do enjoy and have fun with being Who I am. The “big picture” of the many realms of spirit life, of eternal life for each created spirit, and of the potential for spirit growth in every imaginable situation allows Me freedom from the anxiety many humans have about the vicissitudes of life.

The human creation is, according to individual development, a human being on a human path, a human being on a spiritual path, a spiritual being on a human path, and a spiritual being on a spiritual path. The same individual may show forth different combinations at different times, and certainly persons can be exceedingly different from one another. The individual Simon Peter, in the Gospel story is a marvelous example. As Jesus I chose him because of his spirit, but I also knew that he would be slow to understand and truly grasp the nature of My mission and of his role in it. Yet Peter’s lack of understanding and commitment… his denial of Me… is an important part of the story. Strength and weakness are not so much opposites in value as they are complements, one as necessary as the other.

I choose, and therefore, in effect, I reject. (The alternative, which some Christians favor, would be a neutral, non-acting God… and I am that in many situations, but not all.) Those who are rejected seem to have less favor than those who are chosen. Then I turn My attention to those who are lost. And the balance can be restored. Most of the Bible is a story of My interactions with the Hebrew people. Then I came as Jesus, the Messiah, and many ignored or denied Me. The Jews were supplanted in My favor by the Christians… right? Yet many Jews have remained faithful to their heritage as the chosen people, even in their unfaithfulness. Now Christians can be “cocky,” feeling themselves to be the chosen ones. Chosenness without humility is a balance I dislike.

Though the actual Bible story ends with Revelations the Gospel story is continuous. These Teachings are a tiny symbol of My continued interest and activity in the earth, these many years after the Biblical happenings.
6:50 / 6:52
I am part of your activity in the earth, hearing your prayers, structured and unstructured. I am in the lives of many others, and one of the great joys of earth life is the recognition of others in whom I am working in ways similar to My work in you. I call this a spiritual path, and these do cross and run parallel in fascinating ways.

The Gospel story is one of purpose if you hear it right. The purpose is to acknowledge relationship with Me and grow through the situations and circumstances of life. The Jews were chosen and were led out of Egypt in a miraculous fashion. Then they were let for forty years in the desert… then led into the promised land… and then… Accept a part in the continuing Gospel story. Widen the story to include yourself… and all other you may wish to see therein. And then appreciate the others I have included. The story goes on…

7:02 AM