The Hands… And Pain

TUES., JULY 2, 1991, 6:23 AM

In the midst of a recurrence of pain in your leg you are seeking relief in some variety of ways. I have no objection to this, as long as you do not forget the basic premise: whatever the final outcome, the pain experience and the outcome all can result in spiritual growth. You learned this ten years ago, and you must relearn it now. Then the pain went away. It may or may not this time. Your body works well, but it is not perfect, and defects become evident as the years advance. And yet… you may overcome the pain again.

An important treatment was yours to experience on Sunday. Mary is a servant of Mine, and she does have healing powers in her hands. She is sincere, and she is able. You felt the struggle with the pain, and then it returned. Her ministry was not a failure. It just did not take all the pain away. You are considering having her lay her hands upon your leg rather than your back, and I have no objection to this. I don’t tell you this will affect a permanent loss of the pain. I just say she is a healer with special powers.

I do give you and her different messages about pain and disability. She still is comfortable with the premise that pain is not natural, is never “of Me” and is a result of the evil force at work in the earth. This is one of My alternative messages, and it is appropriate to her healing ministry. In human terms and expressed in a language truth may seem to conflict with truth. Be assured that I have ultimate control over truth, and that I allow enough variety to make life interesting.

The truth I give to you, which does seem to conflict but which I say does not, finally, is that I can cause or allow pain, for I do see that it can enhance spiritual growth. Most pain I just allow because it arises naturally (not of the devil, unless you see the earth as an evil place, which I do not… and you should not, either). It serves as the reason for healers, spiritual and medical, to be important in a culture. Most pain is tolerable or self-limiting… a time to hurt and a time to feel no pain.

The last two nights you have experienced pain but, when confronted directly, it is bearable. A couple of pills help, but, fundamentally, you are not letting the pain dominate you. Do not thrash around, letting the pain be dominant. Just accept its presence and invite sleep to overcome the pain. Success has been yours with this approach. Continue this as long as it works.

At the same time know that I have the power to diminish or remove your pain. I hear your prayers and those of others for you. Still, there is no “automatic response” to prayer. Prayers for relief of pain are not always answered as the pray-er would have it. Then I affirm that I am affected by prayers. Keep them coming!

Mary’s hands are special, minor instruments of Mine. She is a unique, faithful servant, and I assist her, as it seems right for Me to do. I don’t say you should invite her to employ her hands on your leg… but I have no objection to such an invitation.

She must realize, in humility, that she can never be completely successful. No human, in her or his work, does all good. Part of the life of the spirit is in accepting apparent defeats as well as clear and partial victories. I tell you that it is good to focus on the triumphs, as long as you occasionally and gently acknowledge the not-quites.

TUES., JULY 2, 1991, 6:23 AM

In the midst of a recurrence of pain in your leg you are seeking relief in some variety of ways. I have no objection to this, as long as you do not forget the basic premise: whatever the final outcome, the pain experience and the outcome all can result in spiritual growth. You learned this ten years ago, and you must relearn it now. Then the pain went away. It may or may not this time. Your body works well, but it is not perfect, and defects become evident as the . . .

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